Indian academician: ‘BRICS is a platform to defuse India-China tensions’



Dr. Rajiv Ranjan, Associate Professor, East Asian Studies at the University of Delhi, commented on India’s expectations regarding the BRICS Summit to Harici: “I think it is wrong to think that India-China rivalry or disagreements are weakening BRICS. From the Xiamen Summit in 2017 to the Kazan Summit in 2024, BRICS has emerged as one of the international platforms to defuse tensions between India and China. The India-China tension has not affected BRICS in any way.”

While the West is eyeing the points of ‘disagreement’ at the 16th BRICS Summit that started in Kazan, hosted by Russia, an important step came from China and India, two rival countries in the grouping that have been at the forefront of disagreement and conflict between them.

Indian Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar said the agreement on military patrols in certain areas brings the situation back to where it was before the deadly border clash in 2020, adding that the “distancing process” with China has been completed. Beijing confirmed that the two sides had “reached a settlement” as a result of “close communication on relevant border issues through diplomatic and military channels”.

This was seen as a development that would pave the way for a meeting between Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Chinese President Xi Jinping in Kazan. It is expected to be the first official meeting between Xi and Modi since the 2020 conflict, which created a lasting strain in relations between the two countries.

Prior to the summit, Western experts had said that it would be difficult for BRICS to develop a common position and adopt a common stance, especially in light of the conflict between the two countries. However, this development shows that BRICS is playing a positive role in resolving conflicts between member countries.

We discussed the meaning and importance of BRICS for India and New Delhi’s expectations from the Kazan Summit with Assoc. Prof. Rajiv Ranjan from East Asian Studies at the University of Delhi.

What do BRICS mean for India? What are India’s expectations from this summit?

BRICS for India is a grouping of countries which reflects their aspiration to build better world, which is equitable and just. BRICS also represents new reality of these new emerging countries in the world. BRICS is united to help and assist countries of Global South to develop, both economically and politically.

From this summit , which is after recent expansion of BRICS, India hopes to get better voice for countries of Global South. Prime Minister is expected to meet both Russian President Putin and Chinese president Xi Jinping on sidelines of the summit too. This is essential for India to usher the multipolar Asia and world order. India promote trade and economic development, protect interests of global south in climate change negotiations and fight against terrorism.

For Putin, this summit is considered important both symbolically and practically. What do you think? How do you evaluate the importance of this summit for Russia?

Since Russia -Ukraine war, Russia is under sanctions both political and economically by united West. Russia may like to garner support to counter these pressures.

The dispute and competition between China and India is seen as one of the weaknesses of BRICS. Do you agree? On what issues might the two countries clash at this BRICS summit? Is the expansion agenda one of them?

I think this is the wrong way to project and infer that India – China competition or disputes any way weakens BRICS. In fact, BRICS has emerged as one of the international platforms which defuses the tension between India and China, from Xiamen Summit 2017 to Kazan Summit 2024. In no way India China tension has impacted BRICS.

BRICS expansion had enabled India to reach to greater audiences in Global South. As we know that expansion of BRICS is not decided by one member but all so it wrong to say that any one can have more influences or dictate the terms to other.

China had called for BRICS to “transform into a new type of multilateral cooperation mechanism”. China is said to see BRICS as a tool for its political and strategic goals towards the international system. Do you agree?

Ans. Every member countries has its own agenda and objectives. But remember that BRICS is a collective identity and not foreign policy of one country. BRICS is formed to enlarge and protect the interests of its member countries. As PRIME Minister Modi had remarked earlier BRICS is not against any other country. We have to see BRICS as a positive voice in international system and not anti west grouping.

So don’t you agree with the approach that BRICS is an alternative to Western-centered institutions and functioning?

BRICS is an alternative but not necessarily against the west. It is designed to protect and create more equitable and just order. It is not designed to oppose but create complementary to the existing institutions and structures.

BRICS has an important place in the world economy. De-dollarization in trade and alternative payment systems between member countries are on the agenda of this summit. How do you evaluate this? Do you see it realistic?

BRICS, if it can come up with its own currency, then it will provide alternative to existing payment system. Domination of one currency is not good for global south. The world is moving towards multipolar order and thereby it’s natural that there are payment systems which is not controlled and exploited by few institutions or countries. Thereby having more payment alternatives in fact, usher economic multipolarity.

Well, it looks little complicated given the very nature of BRICS and above all of would be united efforts of a group of countries leading to a payment system not dominated by one but true multilateral payment system.


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