FBI raid to Trump’s house during the presidency elections



There was an FBI raid directed by the agents to former USA President Trump’s mansion located in the Florida. It was claimed that Trump could take the secret records that he obtained during his duty in the White House to his residence in Florida. This raid was named as “historical” by the USA media.

According to the news by the US press, The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) issued a search warrant Monday at former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago mansion as part of its investigation into alleged misuse of White House records, including potentially classified material.

The search resulted in the seizure of some paperwork, according to a person familiar with the incident Trump’s attorney, Christina Bobb, was present during the Florida raid, which was said to have lasted “hours”. During the investigation, it was recorded that Trump was at Trump Tower in New York.

The US press described it as a “historical step” when the Department of Justice and the FBI investigated the residence of a former president who was “struggling with increasingly complex legal threats”. It was noted that no former president had faced such public law enforcement action before, the incident reportedly caused calls among Republicans and Trump supporters to abolish federal law enforcement. House minority leader Kevin McCarthy said the crackdown was evidence of “armed politicization” in the justice department. During the investigation, Trump supporters gathered in front of his Florida home with flags and protested the incident.

Similarities to Watergate  

Condemning the FBI investigation, Donald Trump said in a written statement, “My beautiful home, Mar-A-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida, is now under siege, raided and occupied by a large group of FBI agents, this is a dark time for our nation. Nothing like this happened to a president.” Trump emphasized the resemblance of the raid to his home to the ‘Watergate scandal’ that resulted in the end of Nixon’s presidency.

‘He flushed the documents down the toilet’

The US National Archives Office filed a criminal complaint with the Department of Justice in February. Normally, US Presidents are required to submit all kinds of documents, letters, records, etc., to the National Archives Office when their term of office is completed. It was alleged that Trump did not deliver some documents in the amount of 15 boxes and kept them for himself.

In the US press, it was claimed that during Donald Trump’s presidency, he tore up some documents related to state affairs, threw them into the toilets in the White House and during his overseas travels, and flushed the toilet. CNN television noted that the allegations were included in the forthcoming book of the US, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Maggie Haberman.

Spokespersons for the FBI and the Justice Department in Washington declined to comment on the matter.

 2024 presidential election debate

On the other hand, as the country goes to the 2024 presidential elections, it is said that Donald Trump may be a candidate again. The political justifications of this investigation, whose timing is significant, are also discussed.

Trump, who has repeatedly struggled with impeachment inquiries during his term, has faced the threat of appearing in court for a congressional raid after his term expired. The fact that Donald Trump is now under the threat of a new investigation has been interpreted by both himself and the Republicans as a ‘cheat’ before the 2024 presidential election, and it has been commented that the elements trying to prevent Trump from running for president are operating.

As such, the penalty for breaking the aforementioned law includes being barred from any federal office. Considering that Trump is preparing to run for president again in 2024, it is stated that this unusual sentence raises the possibility that he may be legally banned from returning to the White House.

Political division will increase  

Presidential historian Michael Beschloss accused Trump, describing the allegations as “something that has never happened before in American history”. In the face of Trump’s allegations that he illegally obtained classified documents related to national security and stored them in his Florida mansion, Beschloss stated “If these allegations are true, they could endanger the lives of all of us and our families.”

While the Republicans drew attention to the intense support of Trump in the face of the investigation, comments were made that this event would further inflame the political division within the country. The investigation, described by Republicans as a “politically motivated witch hunt”, is said to lead to social unrest and even political violence if it turns into a trial of Trump.


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