‘The Development Road is also promising for trade between Europe and Asia’



Atheer Dawood Al-Ghreiri, Minister of Trade of Iraq spoke to Harici: “The Development Road Project is a reality and a promising future for the road and form of trade between Europe and Asia in addition to the Iraq market”

Iraqi Trade Minister Atheer Dawood Al-Ghreiri answered the questions of Dr. Esra Karahindiba from Harici. The Iraqi Minister made evaluations on the Development Road Project, Türkiye-Iraq relations, other foreign investments in the region and the country’s economy.

What are your projections about the Iraqi Development Road Project? Turkish top diplomat Hakan Fidan mentioned about the project during his visit in China. Türkiye is attaching great significance to the project. What does it mean to Iraq?

It’s a very important project. Today, Türkiye has become a part, an essential part, after the signing of an agreement with Iraq and Memorandum of Understanding between Iraq, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, and Türkiye. The Development Road project is a reality and a promising future for the road and form of trade between Europe and Asia in addition to the Iraq market considering Türkiye is the third largest trading partner with Iraq today.

Can you tell me about Iraq and China trade relations? Talking about the project’s linkage to China’s Belt and Road project and the Middle Corridor… After the American invasion, Iraq’s image was totally destroyed. Do you think Iraq will be the star of Middle East again with this project and its benefits?

The deals between two countries are still good, and the trade relations between Iraq and China are very large. The largest role is played by most Iraq consumption. It is the foreign trade volume of goods in general is 73 billion dollars. The lion’s share or the largest share in it is from China.

Meanwhile, we are also focusing on the volume of trade and its development between Iraq and Türkiye. Iraq has the best relations with all countries, and the visit of the Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was a proof of this. Establishing a real footprint for signing important memorandums of understanding that will develop this trade.

What are the roles of UAE, Qatar, Türkiye and Iraq in the project? How is the 20 billion dollars investment shared among the countries? 

This is very early to speak about the shares, but the main partner for Iraq is Türkiye. Of course, we will get support from Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. 

Türkiye promised anti-terror operations in Sulaymaniyah in this summer and Iraqi support is promised to Türkiye against PKK and its branches. So, if terror will be erased from Iraq, how this will affect trade and international relations and the peaceful environment of trade?

 Iraq is not satellite because of the new agreement. I think because the new government is very effective. Iraq has safety and more development. After the visit of President Erdoğan, a new relationship is established in general especially with trade.

This government decided to have positive role and to very welcome for any country which wants to do investment in Iraq. Iraq is really keen, through actual steps, to be a positive element for the region, and indeed it is. It started to be a mediator. Nowadays, Iraq is in the middle between Türkiye, Iran and the USA and between USA. And regarding what happens in Gaza, Iraq supports the people in Palestine. It’s just wants to take a positive role for all conflicts in this area, you know the Middle East. The main target of this government is just the development the environment of investment and business. And the first thing is of course the business, foreign trade.

What’s your latest strategies for growing Iraqi business, foreign business around the region and globally?

Today, Iraq is very different than Iraq before 2003, because before then political system was socialist, but now turned into a capitalism. Private sector was not allowed to enter the market. There were limited sectors. After 2003, Iraq and the economy have changed. Businesses changed. Contracts changed. That’s why we have many partners in private sector from neighboring countries and foreign countries. And those companies are allowed to operate inside Iraq and make business under the control of government. Today we have dozens of private banks. We started banking and money transfer and all these things which were not allowed before 2003. Nowadays, business in Iraq has changed. The map has also changed. We have more and more safety and stabilization. You know, this government started before 2 years that the they want to finish terror all because you know, you were suffering from the ISIS problems. And nowadays you have more than 85 Turkish company which work in Iraq safely. There is no problem during this last two years.

But the transformation is hybrid after the exceptional circumstances that Iraq went through over the past 20 years. Now we have begun with reforms, legislation and a draft law for real economic reform, giving a major role to the private sector and private companies to play this role. Therefore, they are much worthier than the public sector. The government is to give a major role to the private sector and improve the business environment and digital and electronic transformation, eliminating corruption, bureaucracy and red tape, which in fact mars every process or hinders every process of growth or development in Iraq. So, we started with real steps, and all the concerned institutions indicated that, and many countries pointed out the success of Iraq and it began with real steps towards safety and industrial cities soon, God willing, the first of which is.

Last question… Do you want the Americans to stay or to go? 

Any country due to the interest of Iraq is welcome. It does not matter if it is America or not. The US is a friendly country. We do not look at America as the terrorist country. It is also a partner. We have many agreements with the US and China. We have to respect each other. Also for equal international relations, there is no difference between any countries.


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