The Frequent closure of Torkham, an internationally recognized most important crossing point between the two neighbouring countries is not only fuelling already deteriorated diplomatic relationships, but also causing irreparable economic hardships for millions of Pushtoons living on the two sides of Pak-Afghan border.
For instance, in the recent past, Torkham was again closed for all sorts of bilateral trade and pedestrian movements since last Friday. which causes millions of US dollars losses to national exchequer on Pakistan sides and also losses to commonners.
Besides conflicting stances, reasons from both sides on the closure, the legal status of Durand-Line itself causes harm to the long-term relationships between the two sides. Like predecessors, Pakistan’s powerful military establishment’s blue-eyed Taliban calling themselves Emirate Islami Afghanistan are also reluctant to recognize the Durand Line as a permanent border or an international border between the two countries.
Similarly, Pakistan expects that the Emirate Islami Afghanistan will follow Islamabad’s stance on the issue of terror and must force the banned TTP to come to a halt.
In the wake of continuous tension at Torkham, especially, its closure for bilateral trade had disappointed the Afghan traders. Since Torkham remained the hub of Afghan transit and bilateral trade with Pakistan or former British India, the volume of trade was declining, Passing or clearance from 4000 to 5000 goods trucks from both sides now reduced to 250 and 300 vehicles.
Almost all of these goods trucks are loaded with perishable locally produced items like fruits, vegetables, poultry, meat, etc. However, from Afghanistan, side coal and soft stone are imported to Pakistan. Coal is consumed in Pakistan power generating units and other industrial units whereas Soft Stone is exported to China, where it is used in cosmetics and other value-added products. But now the situation is taking other drastic turns when Afghan traders and investors are preparing other trade routes like Bandar Abbas of Iran and different Central Asian Republics.
What is the Durand Line and when the agreement was signed
The Durand Line Agreement was signed in 1893 by Sir Mortimer Durand and Afghan ruler Abdur Rahman Khan to establish the buffer between Afghanistan and British India. The agreement was intended to improve diplomatic relations and trade between the two countries. The agreement was signed on November 12, 1893, in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Durand Line has served as the official border between the two nations for more than one hundred years, but it has caused controversy for the people who live there. When the Durand Line was created in 1893, Pakistan was still part of British India.
No one can deny the fact that soon after signing of the Durand Line King Amir Abdul Rahman Khan on the second day had refused to recognise the Durand Line Agreement by saying, he was betrayed. Since then , no ruler of Afghanistan enabled the Line to recognise the Durand Line as a permanent border between the former British and Afghanistan. On such ground, it was no other than Afghanistan, which had refused to endorse Pakistan’s plea for UN membership. On such grounds after partition of the subcontinent, Pakistan and Afghanistan emerged as hostile towards each other, thus making hard days and nights if no other than Pushtoons and Baluch’s who are living along the Pak-Afghan border. From both sides, powerful spy masters initiated efforts for fuelling tension between the two neighboring countries through one or the other ways.
Afghanistan, especially the PUSHTOONS, remained a major hurdle before the forward policies of the British rulers in the region. Landing in the South Asian part of India, now called Khyber Pakhtunkhwa somewhere in the third quarter of 19th century, the colonial rulers were ahead with the worst kind of resistance in almost all parts and parcels, now almost linked with each other in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In connection with its Forward policies or intentions in the region, the British rulers made convinced Amir Dost Muhammad Khan of Afghanistan to retreat from Peshawar and its adjacent areas somewhere in 1845-46 but Afghan rulers made reversed the decision when Pushtoons like other Indians from all over the world embarked on Independence War called GHADAR in 1857. Despite Afghanistan’s support, the Independence War ended meaningless, and British Rulers initiated further steps for disintegrating the Pushtoons.
In 1865, the first ever agreement was signed with the Afridis of Khyber, and in light of its fruitful outcomes, the Gandamak Agreement signed with the Afghan government and elders. Prior to Durand Line, the Gandamak Agreement may be considered the beginning of Pushtoons’ disintegration or division. Though Afghans are disagreeing, before partition of the subcontinent, the British rulers reaffirmed its stance on Durand Line through 1905 Kabul and 1919 Murree (Rawalpindi) Agreements. Murree or Rawalpindi’s 1919 agreement led to declaring Afghanistan as a sovereign, independent, and autonomous state, and it also led to the ending of the third Anglo Afghan War. But with the passage of time, no any ruler, leader, or politician enabled to recognise the Durand Line as permanent international border between the two countries.
Almost all tribesmen belonging to British rulers demarcated tribal maintained cordial relations with both the neighboring countries, except Kabul-Islamabad
Though the British Colonial rulers, while debating the post-Durand Line reaction and opposition, assured Afghans that Pushtoons having lands and relations across the border will be given access. However, after partition, Pakistani authorities hesitated to honor such assurances, and its powerful military establishment initiated acts and actions against all those who remain on good terms with the government in Kabul. Almost all tribesmen belonging to British rulers demarcated tribal districts have maintained cordial relations with both the neighboring countries. But the prolonged war in Afghanistan, especially internal conflict amongst the Afghans and landing of US led allies in the wake of situations erupted with the 9/11 tragedy, had made the task easy for Pakistan. Sensing terror across the Pak Afghan border to almost the world community, the US extended financial and technical support for fencing the Durand Line. Even the US had agreed to return the Taliban into power, but Pakistan’s dreams of getting recognition of Durand Line couldn’t materialise. Now Pakistan, through one or the other ways, presses Taliban to bow before its prolong wish-which is no other than recognition of Durand Line and terminating of politico-diplomatic links with India,
Despite mis-trust and hostile attitudes towards each other, the Torkham border never closed for a single day until 2013 when Afghanistan remained in government of rulers like Zahir Shah— Hamid Karzai Even this important crossing point was in full fledged operation during war time against the former Soviet Union. Fencing of Durand Line has not only encouraged Pakistan of further building up pressure against Afghanistan to follow its line on issues like Durand Line, Kabul-New Delhi links, sanctuaries to banned TTP and even ensure smooth transit trade services with Central Asian Republics.
Though Pakistan had jubilated the return of its loyal or blue-eyed Taliban into power in mid of August 2021. On such grounds, people from trade and business circles have also attached great hopes. But the outcomes remained very disappointing. The one-time trade volume up to five billion US dollars ( in 2005-2006) now declined to 600 to 700 million US dollars. Frequent closure or suspension of bilateral trade with Afghanistan is making millions of people throughout the region. Now the situation is worsening day by day which will definitely be harmful to the interests of both countries.
Taliban Deputy Prime Minister Ghani Baradar and Pakistan’s PM was in Uzbekistan when Torkham border closed
Both Pakistan’s Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and Afghanistan Deputy Prime Minister Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar were on a Uzbekistan visit when Torkham closed on Friday night. The purpose of both the dignitaries was the same, strengthening bilateral relations with the Central Asian Republic, but it could be hard for any of two, ignoring each other’s interests. Zahid Ullah Shinwari, former President of Sarhad Chamber of Commerce and Industries, is right in his stance on the issue of Torkham closure. He says that “Pakistani authorities are putting at stake for one to two billion US dollars but ignoring over three billion US dollars consumer market in neighboring Afghanistan.”
Ironic, almost politico-religious leaders are unanimously in favor of cordial and friendly relations with Afghanistan, but none of them are able to do so. It is no secret now that power and authorities in Pakistan rest with the military establishment-which has been monitoring ups and downs across the border in Afghanistan for a long time. Outcomes of such monitoring are before each and every one. Despite rendering a lot, Pakistan is now a friendless state in war devastated Afghanistan. Even almost Afghans, even linked or associated with Taliban and Jehadis like Gulbadin Hekmatar, are not hating Pakistan. On such grounds, policy makers within corridors of Rawalpindi-Islamabad need to revisit its own policies and pinpoint the anomalies, which, instead of creating/finding friends, lead to the earning of hate and hostilities.
Similar was the situation in the 1970s when late Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was governing Pakistan and Sardar Muhammad Daud Khan was the occupant of Qasar-i-Gul Khana at Kabul. Both of them held two rounds of meetings in June and July 1976. The last one was on the eve of Non Alignment Summit at Islamabad. During these meetings, both had agreed for a consensus mechanism with top priority of settling the Durand Line issue forever. Similarly agreed in indirect or telephonic contacts between Shaheed Benazir Bhutto and late Dr. Najib Ullah in mid of 1990. But mysterious elements didn’t allow all these four to go forward in such a noble cause. Still, the issue of Durand Line is a political one and could easily be settled through political ways and means. Powerful Junta in Pakistan must realise that Zia Ul Haq made strategic depth policies that couldn’t yield positive outcomes, therefore, political leadership may be given a chance to settle all sorts of issues with Afghanistan and other neighboring and regional countries. Settling all such issues and entering into trustworthy relations with neighboring countries seems much more in the interests of Pakistan rather than others.