Trump assassination and the aftermath: The globalist elite in trouble



Trump’s assassination came almost out of nowhere. Over the last six months, in my articles exclusively on Harici – which were compiled by friends of Harici and shared on my social media account (https://x.com/hasanunal1920/status/1812504314880864382) – I have repeatedly stated that all moves by the American deep state to block Trump had failed, that the former president’s chances of being elected were increasing in the polls, that this time he seemed to be much better prepared than when he was elected in 2016 and during his term in office (2017-2021), and that the possibility of an assassination to block him was not at all remote.

Why did I think that? Because Trump is against almost everything that the globalist American elite stands for, and as US president he will have the power to either stop or drastically change the policies that they have been implementing with huge benefits. Moreover, he is a presidential candidate who is deeply loved and supported by a large part of the American public.

Against neo-liberal policies and wars

The neo-liberal policies imposed by the United States on the whole world, especially since the 1980s, have impoverished a large part of the population and enriched those who have received a large part of the income and wealth. We, the Turkish people, are perhaps one of the worst victims of this situation. The American people and the European people have relatively the same problems. The rise of Trump, who is labelled as an enemy of democracy, and the rise of anti-establishment parties in Europe, which are labelled as far-right, is largely due to the destruction caused by these neoliberal policies.

Trump is also against the American deep state’s endless wars around the world, especially in the Middle East. During his election campaign in the past, Trump questioned all the justifications for the wars in Afghanistan and the Middle East, which have no known purpose but have devastated every country where they have been waged. According to Trump, seven to ten trillion dollars of American money has been thrown into these wars and nothing has been achieved. And all this talk of contributing to Israel’s security made no sense to Trump, since Israel was more than capable of defending itself and America could help directly if it got into trouble. In short, there was no need for so many wars.

During his term in office (2017-2021), he also tried to translate these views into American policy, but the American deep state clearly did not allow it. For example, he wanted to withdraw American troops from Syria to ease the Ankara-Washington line, which was strained by Turkey’s operations against the PKK/YPG, but diplomats and soldiers deceived Trump in a thousand ways and means. James Jeffrey, the former US ambassador to Ankara who was then the US State Department’s special envoy for Syria, said this openly in an interview he gave immediately after Trump’s election defeat, admitting that they deceived Trump and made it look as if the US troops in Syria were being withdrawn, but they were not.

Trump was not able to transform his ideas into policies in his first term for many reasons, such as the failure of his attempts at reconciliation against the many campaigns of attrition waged against him by the American deep state in his first term, and the fact that the neocon or deep state elements he brought into his cabinet turned against him, but it seems that his views and attitudes, which can be called Trumpism, have continued to live on in the hearts of a large part of the American public. The world has had the opportunity to observe this over and over again in the legal mechanisms and fictitious lawsuits against him in order to eliminate the possibility of his running for a second term. This can be seen over and over again, both within the Republican Party and in the attempts of the American elite to demonise Trump. The atmosphere has been created as if someone should come out and shoot this man.

Trump’s criticism of US foreign policy is not limited to the wars in the Middle East, which have wreaked havoc in the region and are falsely claimed to be fought in the name of democracy. He is also strongly opposed to the war in Ukraine. In Trump’s own words, there would be no war if he were in office, or if he were re-elected, one of his first acts would be to stop it. He insisted on this during and after the 2024 election campaign, and immediately after his meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orban, who came to see him after the NATO summit in Washington, and just one day before the assassination, he announced that one of his first acts after winning the election in November and moving into the White House would be to stop the war in Ukraine and allow a political solution to be found. In contrast, the NATO summit declaration in Washington gave the impression that it had been drafted in a warmongering manner, with NATO members declaring that they would pursue a policy of containment against Russia, which they regard as an enemy, and China and Iran, which they regard as threats.

If/after Trump is elected

Assassination, as the Americans call it, sounds like an inside job. A lone wolf looking twenty year old boy with a rifle, also used in the US army, arrives at the rally site, observes and finally takes up a position on the roof of a building with a suitcase of rifle parts. The witnesses of the organisation try to explain/show the police and especially the secret service officers that someone with a rifle climbed up there and put the rifle there, they try to point it out with their hands, but in vain, because they are not interested.

A nanosecond after the assailant fired eight shots in a matter of seconds, killing one protester and hitting Trump in the ear because he turned his head slightly, even though he was aiming for the head, all the security guards shot and killed the assailant. Meanwhile, Trump is on the ground or lying down. The bullet that was fired to shatter his head passed through his ear by an inch or an inch and a half. According to the scenario, Trump would be dead and the assailant dead in a second. Trump should have been dead, as he said at the Milwaukee rally where he was officially declared the nominee two days later, but he wasn’t.

Under the current circumstances, it is now much more likely that Trump will win the election. All American analysts make the same assessment. As the likelihood of a Trump victory increases, there may be no point in forcing Biden to withdraw from the race, as Trump can win against any candidate in the current environment. It may therefore be wiser to keep those of the Deep State’s reserves who are of age (Michelle Obama, Nikki Halley) on the sidelines.

On the other hand, it may be too optimistic to think that the structure of the American Deep State, that is, the established order, will accept the arrival of someone like Trump who will shake it to its foundations and let him do as he pleases. The possibility of an assassination attempt remains, but this possibility may have been diminished by the fact that his running mate when he formally announced his presidential candidacy in Milwaukee, J.D. Vance, is also a Trumpist, even though he has given speeches criticising Trump in the past. Vance, who will be vice-president if elected, comes from a very poor family and region. He is under forty years old and managed, against all odds, to graduate from one of the best universities in America and to become a member of Congress in recent years. He is a child of those low-income, struggling neighbourhoods that look to Trump for hope. Trump has chosen the perfect vice-president.

What the Deep State might do next, combined with the NATO statement, could be a far more far-reaching, frightening and terrifying game than 9/11. As many analysts are talking about, scenarios that would leave no choice but to use a dirty bomb in Ukraine and blame it on Russia, and then not to hold the election by raising the threat of nuclear war, or to continue that war even if it is held and Trump wins… But we should not forget that nowadays the background of such scenarios can be revealed in a short time. It could be the same this time, but for the first time the globalists and the financial and media circles acting in concert with them, who have been in power for decades as centre-right or centre-left, not only in the US but also in Europe, are in danger of being swept away. It will certainly be difficult for them to disappear, but multipolarity on the one hand and the balancing of the West by the Asian powers on the other have already dug and prepared the political grave of this elite. No one wants to die spontaneously, but the outcome cannot be prevented…


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