What’s behind assassination attempt on Fico?



Ján Pšenica, Ambassador of Slovakia to Ankara spoke to Harici: “Being an EU and NATO member is of essence for Slovakia. I cannot imagine that we were not a member of those entities which provide us with basic anchor on a political map, in international economy domain and also security.”

Answering our questions, Ambassador Pšenica assessed the socio-economic and international circumstances that led to the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Fico and the impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war on Slovakia.

What is the latest update about the Prime Minister Fico’s health condition?

Fortunately, there are good news. Prime Minister Fico was released from the hospital at the end of May his treatment and recovery continue at home in Bratislava.

What is the latest information about the assassination of Prime Minister Fico? The Minister of Internal Affairs said that the suspect was not a “lone wolf” and that there might be someone behind him. Do you have information about the suspect’s political connections?

The relevant Slovak authorities are continuing in a comprehensive investigation, which also includes an examination of the attacker’s psychological profile and condition. All relevant aspects as well as possibilities are being carefully investigated. It certainly will take some time before the authorities will present their findings and conclusions.

Can we say that Fico’s assassination has a connection with the tense political environment in Europe after the Ukrainian war? In particular, voices against the war are branded as “pro-Putin” and silenced in many countries. Keeping in mind Prime Minister Fico’s views on the war, would it be an exaggeration to think that the bullets were actually fired at everyone who wanted to end the war through diplomatic means? Or Do the majority of public opinion go for internal reasons?

 Usually the simplest interpretation works the best, but on the other side, overly simplistic explanations can lead to wrong conclusions or assumptions. It is not only the unlawful Russian aggression against Ukraine. We all remember well the COVID period and different sorts of restrictions and measures which authorities had to implement, including in Slovakia and in Türkiye. Yet, the COVID cost us a lot: many people, including our friends or family members died, our social and societal interactions weakened, economies suffered too, so the disease had overall clearly negative impact on our health and mental condition. Then the aggression started and increased our uncertainty about future. People are asking themselves: What will be the impact of the war and of the current international situation on my life? Will I be able to adapt on new situations? Will I be able to maintain my current living standard? Is there a possibility how I could help others? Are my representatives able to make the right decisions? – although I do not know which they should be… Is the war going to expand on our territory? If so, will there be someone helping us? And so on. And of course, some people perceive situations only within their families or small communities, whereas other perceive situations in wider context that exceeds the boundaries of their own states. Therefore, I do not want to speculate and will wait for investigation findings and conclusions.

Commenting on the assassination attempt against Prime Minister Fico, the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service said that the globalist elites were turning to open political terror against their opponents. How do you evaluate this comment?

Frankly, I do not know what the Russian Foreign Intelligence Service publicly said and would not comment on it. But I think that everyone should ask himself/herself what is the purpose of a secret service speaking publicly….

How do you evaluate the effects of the current geopolitical fragmentation on your country? Previously, Prime Minister Fico had evaluated Ukraine as “not a sovereign state, but under the control of the USA”. What is your opinion about the USA and the EU continuing the war in Ukraine “to the last soldier” and continuing military aid?

Being an EU and NATO member is of essence for Slovakia. I cannot imagine that we were not a member of those entities which provide us with basic anchor on a political map, in international economy domain and also security. If we were not a member, the level of challenges we would have to address ourselves and alone would be much more difficult.

Now, on our relations with Ukraine. We are neighbours so relations between of our nations go back to history. Similarly, as Türkiye, we support independence and territorial integrity of Ukraine, its democracy and prosperity. Already in 2014, we set up a reverse gas flow to be able to cover part of Ukraine gas demand if necessary. Since February 2022 to nowadays, Slovakia´s assistance to Ukraine has reached approximately 1% GDP. In the past, our assistance included also military equipment, such as fighter jets Mig-29s and surface-to-air missile system S-300. Current Slovak government does not provide any military aid from our active military storages anymore and focuses mainly on humanitarian and developments assistance. However, commercial contracts, including those in weapons and ammunition fields are still in force and being implemented. Slovakia recently also set up a reverse electricity flow so our neighbour does not experience large blackouts despite fierce Russian attacks against electricity generation and distribution infrastructure.

Since February 2022, approximately 2 million of refugees from Ukraine came to Slovakia and around 130 000 found a shelter in my country. Many Slovak citizens, including my family have been helping Ukrainians in Slovakia.

In April 2024, a joint meeting of the Governments of Slovakia and Ukraine under the leadership of the two Prime Ministers – Robert Fico and Denys Shmygal – took place in Slovakia. A new phase in relations between the two countries was launched. Three main common projects have been agreed on: 1) Direct railway connection between Kyiv and Košice; 2) Modernization of the Vyšné Nemecké border crossing point.; 3) Reconstruction of the electricity transmission network Mukačevo – Veľké Kapušany. The two Governments also adopted a road map of joint activities.

The war against Ukraine is fundamental violation of international law that brought countless of human tragedies. Slovakia has been contributing to international effort to help Ukraine as much as it can and 1% GDP speaks for itself. Similarly, as Türkiye, we consider crucial that a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace, based on the core principles of the UN Charter, is achieved as soon as possible.

On 15 and 6 June 2024, a Summit on peace in Ukraine took place in Bürgenstock in Switzerland. Slovakia was represented by its Foreign Minister Juraj Blanár. However, originally it was the Prime Minister Robert Fico who had planned to attend the event. Unfortunately, the assassination attempt prevented him from participating. But his will to attend is yet another confirmation that my country, in addition to helping Ukraine, cares about achieving a peace that would be just and in line with the core UN principles.


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