A Successful Mission: A glance in four provinces of war stricken Afghanistan 



No doubt despite some points, all those who remain occupants of important offices from December 2002 till mid of August 2021 have done a lot for Afghanistan and its war affected people. Prolonged external aggression, interference and investment had devastated the one time most civilized and beautiful Afghanistan. At one stage, almost all Afghans have lost hopes regarding the future, especially restoration of lost infrastructures both public and private, centralized authority and revival of the well civilized society. But it was made possible by former presidents Hamid Karzai and Dr. Ashraf Ghani and their most competent, talented and dedicated aides like Abdul Jabbar Naeemi who had served four provinces as its Governor.

Serving as or occupying the office of Governor is not any difficult or strange but serving the most complicated four provinces as governor was a difficult task. Though the nature of imposed extremism and terrorism in war devastated Afghanistan is same and similar but it has different roots and causes at regional and provincial levels. Jabaar Naeemi had served Central Maidan-Wardak, South Eastern Khost, North-Eastern Kunduz and Eastern Laghman provinces. Khost is bordering Pakistan’s Waziristan region, therefore, one may be in a better position to know about threats and challenges for the person who remains an occupant of top administrative office. He remained governor of Khost when thousands of North Waziristan families slipped into (Khost) when the Pakistan army initiated the most accomplished Zarb-i-Azab operation against militants. On such grounds, he had accredited him as host of North Waziristan displaced families, majority of whom are still waiting for repatriation.

Having control or dislodging of the different armed groups was no an easy task

Besides Khost, serving the Kunduz province bordering with Tajikistan because it was hub of first Afghan Taliban and later on of Islamic States (IS) also called Daeesh. Along with the Afghan Taliban, the Hizbe Islami Afghanistan of Gulbadin Hekmatyar has strong roots in this region. Similar was the position of Laghman province, which is surrounded by Nooristan, Kunar, Badakhshan and Kapisa provinces. Soon after 9/11 and the dislodging of the Taliban regime, militants continued sheltering in their hideouts throughout Maidan Wardak province and these militants controlling or dislodging  was not an easy task. But Naeemi did the job.

The Successful Mission is the book comprising details of all sorts of development schemes and projects, executed under Jabbar Nameemi supervision from 2002 till 2021. Besides others it included a series of educational institutions including universities, colleges and schools. Similarly he in his governed provinces made successful reconciliations with a large number of opponents-called Taliban, enabling the Afghans to remain in peace.

Associated with the moderate National Islamic Front of Afghanistan (NIFA) of late Pir Syed Ahmad Gillani, Jabbar Naeemi had first served as a diplomat in Pakistan for two terms. After the impeachment of President Hamid Karzai, he was assigned the task to serve as his Election Agent in 2004. At that time he was also an occupant of the Governor office in Maidan Wardak. And he had played a key role in the victory of Hamid Karzai. As a Governor, he executed record development, social and welfare projects in all four provinces of Maidan Wardak, Khost, Kundoz and Laghman provinces. For this purpose, he had not only made former Presidents Hamid Karzai and Dr. Ashraf Ghani for grants and funding but he had convinced almost foreign missions and embassies. On the request of Jabbar Naeemi, foreign countries and missions contribution in the reconstruction process in these four provinces is very well accomplished in his book.

The governor always opposed wars and hostilities and advocated for unity, peace and tolerance

Jabbar Naeemi in his book states, “It is more important to restore the mind than to restore the building.” During his stay in Governor Houses of four provinces, Jabbar Naeemi preferred meetings, consultations and discussions with common people, through which he succeeded in restoring the confidence of common people in government institutions. He always focused his views on creating unity and cohesion amongst the war-scattered Afghans which had helped him in execution of extraordinary developments in all such four provinces.

Diverting attention of global community towards miseries and hardships of war affected Afghans, Mr. Naeemi states, “above all nations, the people of Afghanistan aspire for peace, security and comfort having endured hardships and sorrows unmatched in the history of humanity. The establishment of enduring peace hinges on the establishment of a unified national will. By fulfilling their Islamic and national responsibilities to uphold peace and security, every individual in Afghanistan can actively contribute to this endeavor. Moreover, all political parties align themselves with the national interest and if every political and national figure disseminates a positive message to the people, the strong call for peace from every household and the collective opposition to war from mosques, Madrasas and schools will undoubtedly bring an end to the current challenges and issues.”

Jabbar Naeemi has always opposed wars and hostilities and advocated for unity, patience and tolerance, which he believes is the right way towards achieving the objectives of peace, progress and prosperity. He states. “To achieve lasting peace and put an end to the conflict, it is essential to prioritize unity, uphold the national will, communicate a positive message, show respect for Islamic and national principles, reject war, demonstrate courage, exercise patience and embrace national tolerance. Our firm belief in the power of collaboration and the effective implementation of measures, which can fortify our political system and ultimately lead to the establishment of peace and the cessation of hostilities in our nation. The wide-open doors to peace present a favorable opportunity for armed opponents to choose the right path and abandon the futile pursuit of war.”


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