Daesh Taliban governor murderer arrested



The Taliban said they have arrested a key Daesh member who was involved in plotting several deadly attacks and his highest level target was against the Balkh governor.

Taliban’s spy agency GDI identified him as Ainuddin Mohmmad, who is a resident of Bamyian province. In a video statement, DGI showed a young man who introduced himself as a Daesh member confessed he had played a key role in several terrorist attacks.

He, who had signs of torture on his face, confessed he was involved in several deadly attacks in the Balkh province, including the assassination of Mohammad Dawood Muzamal, governor of Balkh.

He was also involved in the attacks in the Tabyan cultural center in Balkh and other incidents in the province and its neighboring provinces.

The man has admitted that he was recruited for the Daesh rank in Iran. “I was invited and recruited by a person named (voice stopped) to Daesh nearly two and a half years back in Iran,” he confessed in the video clip.

Managed to enter governor building

He also went on to explain further that how he and several others plotted the suicide attack while killed Balkh governor Muzamal.

The alleged Daesh member said they went inside the Balkh’s governor building around one hour before the operation to be carried out that resulted in the death of Muzama. “I was there with sole aim to see how the body-checking was done,” he said, adding later another member of Daesh allegedly a Tajikistani national entered inside the building and carried out suicide bombing that killed Muzamal.

Two other employees of the provincial governor building were also killed and many more wounded in the bombing.

The GDI also said that this was involved in plotting an attack on al-Jihad madrassa in northern Samangan province which killed at least 19 students. The attack that took place on November 22 last year also left 20 others wounded.

Daesh key rival to Taliban

Though there is no clear evidence under which condition the accused man has agreed to confess because several wounds have clearly appeared in his face which somehow indicates a clear sign of beating up before being confessed.

Daesh is the main rival of the Taliban current government and the group has managed to target many top officials of the Taliban. Since the fall of the “republic system” in 2021, Daesh has carried out deadly attacks, targeting Taliban in several provinces. Daesh also didn’t spare mosques, transportation buses and shrines.

Taliban’s spy agency identified detained Daesh member as Ainuddin Mohmmad, who is originally from Bamyian province.

Daesh attacked the foreign ministry twice in Kabul, the capital city. Both the incidents were deadly as it claimed dozens of lives. With the returnee of the Taliban in power on August 15, 2021, there were high expectations that no more bombings would happen as the Taliban were mainly the actors doing so to target former officials and originations. However, Daesh is a big threat and security is still the main challenge for the Taliban.

Daesh did not defeat

Contrary to the Taliban’s repeated claim of suppressing the Daesh, the group apparently seems to be growing up and the Taliban likely find themselves in a difficult time to deal with. The Taliban had accelerated more efforts to target Daesh across Afghanistan, which means Daesh is everywhere now and they are on the rise.

Taliban had frequently denied the existence of Daesh in Afghanistan and it was a wrong calculation. In the last month, the Taliban fought against Daesh 10 times, and both sides suffered casualties. The Taliban are trying to hide casualties in their party. “In every operation we had some casualties,” a Taliban official told Harici.

Speaking on condition of anonymity, he said that Daesh is strong now and they have heavy and light weapons. “Whenever we raided a hideout, Daesh were fully equipped with weapons and strongly resisted their arrest,” he said, adding that women and children were arrested from each operation.

“We are sad to see the family members of Daesh. They are in jail, but there must be some way out to help them recover and not join Daesh again. We can’t keep them in jail forever,” he said.

There should be a clear mechanism to deal with Daesh, he said and believe that Daesh could become a big threat unless a large-scale operation to tame them.

Another raid on Daesh hideout

The Taliban forces since last night have raided a Daesh hideout, this time in Nemroz province. A provincial Taliban police spokesman Gul Mohammad Qudrat said that security forces raided a Daesh hideout in Zaranj city. There have been heavy clashes reported and casualties inflicted on both sides.

No more details were given so far. The Zaranj operation had come right after the operation in Mazar-e-Shairf, where Taliban killed five key Daesh members and received appreciation from US former peace envoy.

Zalamy Khalizad said that if Taliban killed top Daesh members, Washington must increase its engagement with them.

“If confirmed, this would be a significant blow to IS-K in northern Afghanistan. The Taliban had committed in the Doha Agreement to fight IS-K. The removal of these ISIS leaders indicates that it is doing so,” Khalilzad tweeted.

“The US and Taliban should increase engagement to complete implementation of the Doha Agreement which serves Afghan and US interests,” he said.

But soon after Khalilzad’s tweets, former Taliban interior ministry spokesman Saeed Khosty wrote on his Twitter that “ISIS is an American project” and the US is campaigning for the group and trying to enlarge their presence in Afghanistan.

Khosty strongly rejected Khalilzad’s claim and said that there is no such agreement in Doha agreement to fight Daesh, but the Taliban committed to fight them and treat Daesh as a terrorist group.



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