External forces and Pakistan’s fate



No one could deny involvement of external forces in internal politico- economic affairs of Pakistan in the wake of global players interests in the region and beyond. Pakistan since its inception is considered part of US lead allies. On one hand, the Pakistan civil military which always dominates power making institutions is under influence of Great Britain whereas the religious minded circles are helpless before Saudi Arabia. Though common men including religious clergy always hold the US lead allies responsible for hardships and other issues, the ground reality is different whereas Pakistan always backs, supports and works for the implementation of US lead allies policies and decisions in the region.

Even during the so-called Cold War, Pakistan had also backed and supported the US lead allies against the USSR. On such grounds, Pakistan also holds a major share in generation and promotion of religious extremism. No doubt to mention that this religious extremism is always proving beneficial to US lead allies, but many countries around like China, Iran, Russia and others are exercising extreme caution and see these extremist groups as dangerous for the safety and economic prosperity of the region.

US, Pakistan and regional conflicts

The US through Pakistan help, was able to get rid of its staunch rival USSR through so called Jehadi on the soil of Afghanistan, got occupation of Middle East countries like Iraq, Egypt, and Libya from Afghanistan after 9/11 and even built up further pressure against some of CAR countries also. However, the US despite Saudi Arab support had failed to topple Bashar al-Asad in Syria and scramble now in Yemen after years of carelessness to the miseries of innocent Yemenis. Time will prove what Washington tries to seek in Yemen peace efforts.

Now, the US is apparently trying to create chaos in the hard-time friend Pakistan by playing political cards to divide the nation. Political tension stemming from former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan accusations that US had conspired toppling his government can serve as an example and the first step by US to destabilize the already economically-fragile Pakistan. Khan said the US is angry at him because he was pursuing an independent foreign policy for Pakistan, and his visit to Russia and meeting President Vladimir Putin one day invaded Ukraine.

US angry on Pakistan

US allegedly handed a memo to Islamabad’s outgoing ambassador to Washington on March 7, a day before the opposition moved the no-trust vote in parliament. “We are angry with Pakistan. We can forgive Pakistan if Imran Khan loses a no-trust motion. But if the vote fails, Pakistan will have to face serious consequences,” Khan said, citing the text of the memo. In a brief, Pakistan is under pressure from the US, and its military establishment which always says “yes” to US demands.

But through one or the other, Pakistan political leadership has always preferred cordial and friendly relations with China. Though some circles throughout the world are considering China as a major hurdle or rival before the US, but, China is in fact a trader or investor. China always avoids confrontation and prefers cordial friendly relations and trading based strategies throughout the world. On the issue of Afghanistan and Ukraine, China has made attempts to oppose the US but it never made attempts to resist.

China annoyed by terrorist activities

China started to worry after the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan got worse mainly because of US influence and anti-China policies. The Chinese concerns further intensified when its engineers were abducted in Waziristan and Swat of Pakistan. Situation got worse when Chinese Uyghurs were also dispatched to China for carrying out terroristic activities. China called for international supports in the fight against terrorism after 29 people were knifed to death in 2014 in the city of Kunming western region of Xinjing, home to the Muslim Uighur people. Abdullah Mansour, leader of the rebel Turkestan Islamic Party praised the attack at that time. In 2015, another 18 people were died when ethnic Uighurs attacked police with knives and bombs at a traffic checkpoint in the old Silk Road city of Kashgar. The Chinese officials never confirmed the incidents, but there are several reports on this.

It is rational to say that the Turkestan Islamic Party is getting support from anti-Chinese countries, but most of them find ground for its support and the best place is Pakistan since it has land borders with China. US reactions to Khan’s independent foreign policy are one the reasons as it stands in contrast with US policies toward China and Russia, besides economic projects that Beijing-Islamabad jointly developing.

China-Pakistan-Economic-Corridor on the horizon

Being fully aware of the influence of the US, China continued efforts to start work on the longstanding China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). The Chinese materialized its dreams when signed a MoU with former Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari on 2010 and started work on it when Nawaz Sharif won 2013 general polls. But the US lobby continued its efforts against CPEC by provoking Imran Khan for months long sit in protest from August till December in 2014. However CPEC construction continued but went on halt when Imran Khan took office as Prime Minister in August 2018. During this period a number of violent and terror attacks occurred against Chinese Engineers in Kohistan, Gilgit Baltistan and Shangla districts. Chinese remained very careful in reaction and they didn’t blame anyone in this respect.

There are also reports regarding understanding between the US and UAE in resistance against China working on Gawadar Port. Now the Gawadar and CPEC are partially made operative but the Chinese are very careful. Almost all politicians and analysts are of the common opinion that the US along with its allies like Great Britain and Saudi Arabia are behind the agitation based political resistance of Imran Khan against the current government under Shahbaz Sharif.

A shocking fact is that since independence in 1947, no Pakistani prime minister has completed a five-year term in office in the country.


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