Former Cuban Minister of Culture Abel Prieto spoke to Harici: Venezuela is proof that fascism can be stopped



Within the framework of the First Anti-Fascist Congress, held on September 10 and 11, 2024, we spoke with the renowned Cuban intellectual, Abel Prieto Jimenez, who currently directs the Casa de las Américas, in Havana, Cuba.

Abel Prieto was President of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba and on two occasions Minister of Culture of his country. He has also directed the Martiano Program Office and is the President of the “José Martí” Cultural Society. Author of numerous stories and novels such as “The Flight of the Cat” (1991). Deputy to the Cuban National Assembly.

What are your impressions of this Anti-Fascist Congress? 

I am very happy to be here once again in Caracas, at this World Congress against Fascism. I consider that this initiative by President Nicolás Maduro himself, and supporter by social leaders, to call for an analysis between activists, social fighters, and intellectuals from different regions of Venezuela and the world to debate this truly dangerous phenomenon that is doing a lot of damage, that is dragging down poor people, humble people, who are going behind a fascist demagogue who is dragging very young people along.

I speak specifically of the case of Javier Milei in Argentina. It is a grotesque case, very disturbing to see how young people go after a madman like the current Argentine president, an extreme neoliberal. So, it is a moment where the confusion is so great, where there is so much confusion, there are so many disoriented people that fascism can grow. 

That is why it is very important to articulate ourselves in an anti-imperial and anti-fascist front. And in terms of communication and social networks it is vital to think about other communication. Today everything is decided in the media and social networks and that is why it is very important to find the appropriate codes based on ethics. One of the issues, one of the true advantages that the extreme right has, is that they have no ethics whatsoever.

We have to communicate ethically, we do not invent a slander to denigrate, even if it is a fascist. Commander Fidel Casto said that we should never lie nor should we violate our ethical principles. So that is the example, the teaching, that we have to follow. We have to think and make responsible, objective, intelligent communication that is not rhetorical, that is not triumphalist, we have to unite all that core of resistance, and win the battle of communication, which is opening gaps within that wall. of lies, opening a gap and sneaking in the truths of our people.

How would you characterize fascism or neo-fascism today?

Fascism today responds to classic features of fascism, such as violence, exclusion, and an extremist nationalism that always does not question the capitalist system. That is to say, never, even if it has a rhetoric that can speak against globalization, never questions either financial capital or the large multinationals, because they are the ones that really place the Mileis in Argentina, the Bolsonaros in Brazil, the Abascales in Spain, to the Melonis in Italy, and to all the references of those authoritarian rights.

To be anti-fascist today is to not accept in any way that the sovereignty of the countries is in the hands of Washington or other imperialist powers. This fascism of today, allied to neoliberalism, simply wants to reduce us to new slaves of capital forever, because it is associated with the defense of neoliberal doctrine in its most extreme version.

I believe that it is a responsibility to sow anti-fascism and anti-imperialism in the new generations; young people must be prepared, trained in those genuine roots of our people and unravel what fascism implies.

How do we defeat fascism? 

We defeat fascism through the formation and strengthening of an international front of resistance against fascism, against imperialism. There is the Network in Defense of Humanity, created by Commanders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, they strategists and visionaries really supported it. The ideologist of the Network in Defense of Humanity was Pablo González Casanova, the great Mexican intellectual, and in 2003, in the midst of the great offensive of George W. Bush, which was also a fascist, imperialist offensive, in its farce “Global crusade against terrorism,” Bush announced the aggression in Iraq, he told the people at West Point, the cadets there that they had to be prepared to invade and occupy 60 or more dark corners of the world.

Tell me if there is anything more fascist than that?

And then this idea of creating a Network Defense of Humanity was generated in Mexico and Fidel immediately supported it. And then, you know, here but 20 years ago in Caracas, a very important event held in December 2004, the fundamental structuring of the Network was given, let’s say, the whole time Chávez was with the people, Chomsky came, Ernesto Cardenal, well, many important people from the Nuestra América resistance came.

What message does Venezuela send to the world today? 

The message that Venezuela sends to the world with the holding of this First Antifascist Congress is one of hope, resistance and creativity. Caracas has established itself as an axis of defense of humanity against the phenomenon of imperialism, capitalism, fascism and other neo-fascist expressions. 

Before there was talk of defending the sovereignty and independence of the countries and peoples of Our America. Now there is talk of defending ourselves from these psychological and cognitive wars that affect the minds of the youngest. 

In that sense, Venezuela shows that it is fighting and resisting the advance of fascism, but as I told you before, fascism must be combative with ethics in communication and with culture. One of the things that should worry us the most is seeing young people voting for fascists. Venezuela is proof that fascism can be stopped, but the groundwork has just begun. Let’s create the International Anti Fascist Front!


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