Pakistan election: Shehbaz Sharif, the new PM?



Finally, deposed Pakistani Prime Minister and Pakistan Muslim League (n) patron in Chief has named younger brother Shehbaz Sharif as Prime Minister and daughter Maryam Nawaz as Chief Minister. So far consultations regarding future set up in center is in progress but it is now well cleared that there will be a coalition minus PTI in center, Punjab, Sindh and Baluchistan as well.

PPP will be the second major partner in coalition but its MNA’s or any other nominee wouldn’t occupy ministerial offices. Bilawal Bhutto Zardari has declared PPP’s desire in Presidential, Chairman Senate and Speaker National Assembly. It seems that PML(N) high command having certain reservations over PPP such demands. Besides PPP, MQM has also announced supporting PML(N) in center but its leadership has decided of staying away from ministerial offices. The MQM is interested in Sindh Governor office. JUI(F) which has now strength of six MNA’s also clear in continuation of partnership with PML(N) but reluctant to get or accept ministerial offices. Like of MQM, the JUI(f) high command is interested in maintaining of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa governor office. Haji Ghulam Ali, a relative of Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman is in occupation of Governor office in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Former Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has insisted on maximum reconciliation, coordination and understanding amongst all political parties for overcoming issues ahead to the country and its people. Even for the purpose he suggested Sharif brothers to contact the PTI leadership. The PTI leadership has already decided didn’t talking or meeting with three political parties including PPP, PML(N) and MQM.

Why they are reluctant to occupy ministerial offices?

From April 2022 till August 2023, the PDM components like PML(N), JUI(F) and PPP governed the country and during this period besides other price hike. Poverty, unemployment and deteriorating law and order situation remained serious issues. Instead of honouring expectations of common men or materializing commitments in this respect, the PDM government has fuelled miseries of common men. And the analysts believe, “nothing else failure on the part of PDM government has enabled Imran Khan and his PTI of regaining lost grounds amongst the common men.” And such a success is considered main reason behind victories of PTI backed independents. Now neither PPP nor MQM and JUI(f) leaders are in position to take the risk of getting occupation of ministerial offices in PML(N) lead coalition government.

Why Shehbaz Sharif

Compare to Nawaz Sharif is considered “acceptable to powerful military establishment.” The powerful military establishment through one or the other ways, rooted out popular democrats, nationalists and progressive minded political parties and its nominees in February 2024 general elections. Like Shehaz Sharif, the military establishment also succeeded in a “Hung Parliament,” and it could be hard for him or his party to go for implementation of own agenda, especially implementation of 18th amendment.

Soon after election day, nationalist ANP leader Aimal Wali Khan while expressing sever resentment over “establishment maneuvering in election results, also warned a threat to 18th amendment.” He made it clear that ANP would never allow anyone to go for folding of 18th amendment which ensure due autonomy to provinces. Nawaz Sharif himself advocating in favour of 18th amendment. Similar is the case of PPP, MQM and JUI(F).

Unlike of past, this time with overwhelming majority of PTI backed independents, powerful military establishment succeeded in blocking routes of nationalist, democratic and progressive minded parliamentarians to Senate. The Senate in last 10 years, didn’t approved legislation which undue powers and authorities of parliament, judiciary and provinces. But now when PTI gift around 20 senators from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab and National Assembly, they would definitely follow wishes and expectations of military establishment regarding re-visiting of 18th amendment.

Ms Maryam Nawaz is going to get credit as first ever Chief Executive ( Chief Minister) of Punjab which is considered major province of Pakistan. She had assisted father Nawaz Sharif when he had served the country as Prime Minister for fourth time from 2013 till 2017 last.

PPP likely name former Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah as Sindh Chief Minister for second term and PTI jailed chairman has declared Ali Amin Gandhapur as Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister. However, Nasar Ali Shah is also in list of PPP for the office of Chief Minister. Though PPP eyeing on top executive office in Baluchistan but it could be impossible to have own government. Like center there will be a coalition government in Baluchistan. PPP having strength of 11 and  JUI(F) and PML(n) got 10 each seats. After Federal Government, these three parties could easily enter into a coalition at Baluchistan.


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