Pakistan’s political soap opera: Politico-judicial crisis touching its peak



Government and the military establishment as well utterly failed in bringing its choice constitutional amendment, enabling sitting Chief Justice of Pakistan to remain in office for another term and blocking ways for pro-Imran Khan judge namely Syed Mansoor Ali Shah. The government failed as it didn’t mustered support of some smaller groups having very thin but effective representation in the parliament-both Upper and Lower houses.

So far chief of his faction Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman has refused to support the proposed 26-A amendment in the Constitution of 1973. And second is nationalist Awami National Party. JUI(F) has representation of five MNA’s and two Senators whereas the ANP has a strength of three in Upper House (Senate). Besides these two parties, Mutahida Quami Movement, Baluchistan National Party and other smaller groups having certain reservations over the proposed amendment draft.

In fact, the government didn’t made public or unveiled the proposed draft, therefore, it caused some suspicious and confusion. Earlier the government claimed that through proposed 26-A, they wants to repeal some parts of 19th constitutional amendments, which has granted maximum powers to Chief Justice of Pakistan in appointment of judges. But later the proposed drafts included some parts making mandatory involvement of military establishment in appointment of judges, banning of political parties and arrests of people on the charges of anti-state activities etc. On such grounds, now after JUI(F) and ANP, certain other political parties are also opposing the proposed draft.

Almost all top judiciary judges having a soft corner towards Imran Khan

The case of Pakistan Tehrik Insaf is very different as its almost leaders are using its effective strength in both upper and lower houses to force the powerful military establishment for a deal. Almost PTI top leaders are playing role of ROBOTS and they are following dictations of their jailed leader. No doubt that almost top judiciary judges are known for having a soft corner towards Imran Khan and his party men but IK and co are still ahead with dozen of cases registered against them in different charges. Most of these cases are pertained to misuse of offices, corruption and criminals.

The JUI(F) of Maulana Fazal Ur Rahman, ANP and BNP are unanimously demanding establishment of a Constitutional court for hearing and disposing off of cases pertained to constitutional matters. Earlier the nationalists and progressive minded political parties and politicians had demanded a a Federal Court for settling issues amongst the federating units ( provinces, and between provinces and the federal government. But now when the superior courts are consuming maximum time in settling, hearing and disposing off of constitutional matters, therefore, JUI(f), ANP and others realized importance’s of a Constitutional Court.

Future of Pakistan is at stake due to alarming economic crisis and deteriorating of security situation

No doubt to mention that the matter couldn’t be settled with giving or getting back powers of judiciary. The real issue is rest with the military establishment – which eyeing on further strengthening its influence over almost civil-politico matters. Since inception of the country in 1947, the military establishment-considered true and lawful legacy of British Colonial system in the region (Asia) didn’t misused any chance of making crippled and destablised the civil-politico system in Pakistan. Most recent move was patronization of PTI against two top political parties like PPP and PML(n) in Center and Nationalist ANP in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Destablisation of nationalist ANP in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa was and is aimed at continuation of its efforts for having influence over internal and external policies of Afghanistan. Such aims are still workable but the aims of destablisation of PML(N) and PPP at central level utterly failed and now the PTI’s artificial popularity become a serious threat to no other than powerful military establishment.

Amidst  alarming economic and final crises and deteriorating security situation, the growing politico-judicial crises is putting future of the country at stake. Internally, the highly educated but jobless  youngsters are lacking confidence in better future of the country whereas externally almost members of the international community are unhappy due to ‘patronisation of hard line religious groups and factions.’ At this crucial stage, maximum responsibility rests with no other than military establishment to review its own acts and actions and let the political leadership to put house in order. Only political leadership is capable of pulling the country out of these crises like of 1969 and 1972.


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