Taliban warns another 9/11-like attack possible from Pakistani soil



The Taliban’s Foreign Ministry said that another 9/11-like attack is never going to happen from Afghanistan soil but warned that the West faces another 9/11 and that from Pakistani soil due to deterioration of the security situations there.

The statement came in response to recent remarks made by Asif Durrani, Pakistan’s special envoy for Afghanistan which he hinted toward repetition of the 9/11 attack from Afghan soil. Taliban termed his statement as an attempt to “confuse public opinion.”

“Afghanistan has almost been forgotten. There is no doubt about it,” Asif Durrani said during a recent discussion at the Ambassadors’ Lounge.

He said that the global priorities have shifted, particularly after the war in Ukraine and the ongoing crisis in Gaza. “Afghanistan is no longer in the news, not on the front pages, the back pages, or even the inner pages,” he added.

Durrani expressed concern that the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan could push the country back to the conditions that preceded the 9/11 attacks.

Taliban calls on Pakistan to stop from delivering provoked statements

Reacting on the statement of Asif Durrani, Taliban called on Pakistan to stop from delivering provoked statements.

“The recent comments made by Pakistan’s Special Representative, Mr. Asif Durrani, concerning Afghanistan’s security and economic situation are both provocative and misaligned with the ground realities, seemingly aimed at misleading the public perception regarding Afghanistan. In fact, the issues and concerns he attributed to Afghanistan are more likely to be present in Pakistan,” Afghan Foreign Ministry said in a statement. 

Afghanistan is now a safe and stable country, focused on achieving economic self-sufficiency by utilizing its own resources rather than being reliant on foreign loans and aid.The Afghan government has successfully neutralized the ISIS-KP, an insurgent group, within Afghanistan.

However, addressing ISIS-kp hideouts along the theoretical Durand Line could lead to the complete elimination of this threat, the statement added. 

Moreover, Pentagon spokesman Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder said that Washington is ready to launch strikes against ISIS-K if the group poses “imminent threats.”

“If we see imminent threats against the United States or our interests, we reserve the right to take appropriate action, including conducting over-the-horizon strikes,” the spokesperson said in response to questions about potential threats from ISIS-K, the Daesh affiliate in Afghanistan.

Meanwhile, Ryder highlighted the importance of cooperation between Iraqi security forces and the Peshmerga in reducing the ISIS threat in Iraq, particularly in disputed regions like Kirkuk.

“Iraqi security forces, including the Peshmerga, have played a vital role in reducing the threat that ISIS poses,” he added.

Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan is internal matter of Pakistan, don’t put it on Afghanistan

It’s worth noting that the Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) issue is an internal matter of Pakistan, requiring a domestic solution.

Taliban said that they already showed its goodwill by taking tangible actions to foster positive relations. Thereafter, Pakistan’s effective agencies should adopt rational and pragmatic approaches to address this issue.

“Mr. Durrani should know that it is the responsibility of diplomats to ensure that provocative media statements do not jeopardize the relations of the two countries,” the statement added.

The general perception in Pakistan is that TTP is stationed in Afghanistan, but the Taliban repeatedly claimed that there are no TTP hideouts inside Afghanistan.  

However, Durrani said that relations between Kabul and Islamabad have deteriorated due to the refusal of the Taliban government to neutralize the threat posed by the TTP. Durrani said TTP attacks in Pakistan have increased by 70pc since the Taliban return to power in 2021.

However, even TTP through its spokesman denied their presence in Afghanistan and recently in a video post, said they (TTP) are in Pakistan and there are a large number of places where they can reside and plan attacks from there.

Meanwhile, the Taliban have offered to mediate peace talks between Pakistan and TTP if both sides are ready, and Taliban hosted the first round of talks between them in 2021, just some months after taking back the power after 20 years of war against US forces.


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