Unfair reality; Women against women



It has been reported that the Taliban in Afghanistan uses female spies to identify and punish women who do not comply with the new law of the ministry of vice and virtue. According to the source, some women find offenders in social networks and cities in exchange for money, some out of compulsion and some willingly and introduce them to the Taliban officials of the vice and virtue ministry.

It has been reported that those women who willingly spy for the Taliban, had a vision to see a healthy society where no women should go against the law of vice and virtue. These female spies are working in order to stop any women from becoming “public propriety” and provide such a society where every woman should live in full dignity.

In a conversation with Harici, one of these female “spies” said that women must stay at home. “Real freedom is for women to stay at home, take care and raise their children and most importantly serve their husbands,” she said.

She furthered that “women should not worry about anything”, and they should only work to “keep their husbands happy” and make all out efforts to raise their children in the “most proper way in accordance with the teaching of Islam.”

“We are working for the betterment of our society, and women must be protected. Women should stay at home, and this is better for them,” she said without giving further details.

Are women spying for the Taliban in exchange for money?

A female teacher in Kabul, said that if women spy for the Taliban in exchange for money or because of coercion, it is absolutely understandable because many women are jobless, and they need money. But she questioned those women who willingly worked for the Taliban, saying “there is no difference between these women and male Taliban members who are hell-bent on stopping girls from going to schools and women from the workplace.”

The teacher, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said that “as much as we fight with the male Taliban, we also must fight with the female members to secure our rights in the society.”
She said that there are many women who wholeheartedly accept the Taliban’s “reactionary ideology” and call protesting women “prostitutes”. This is not a good statement coming from a woman to another woman. The teacher said that the protesting women want their rights to education and work. “I am a teacher, but I can’t go out to purchase essential necessities because I am no longer able to talk with the shopper. My vice is hurting the Taliban, and this is forbidden for me to speak with a shopkeeper. This is not rational, and this is not my religion at all,” she lamented.

She furthered, “the daughter of our Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) had appeared in public and delivered speeches. No Muslim came up to complain about this at that time. But now the Taliban has a problem with my voice. This is not the true teaching of Islam. Taliban are far away from real rule and regulation of Islam,” she complained.

Taliban through religious schools willing to produce such a woman who accepts whatever the Taliban says without any arguments

Another female Kabul resident said that Taliban through “religious schools” are willing to produce such a woman who accepts whatever the Taliban says “without buts and ifs”.

“Women are human beings just like men. Women also desire to go to the parks, restaurants, and other areas for picnic purposes along with their male family members. What is wrong in this,” she questioned.
At the same time, women are very optimistic and simply believe whatever they read or listen to. “Religious schools are created for this reason that girls should be raised in such a way that they are ready to become sexual slaves of men and even commit suicide attacks in order to implement Islamic Sharia, though it is not the true Islamic teachings,” she added.

At the outset, when the women started marching in protest against the restrictions imposed by the Taliban in Afghanistan, soon the Taliban gathered some women dressed in black in support of their policies to show that they have many supporters among the women segment of the Afghan society.

Indeed, the Taliban have a lot of influence among the Afghan people, and there is no doubt about this. It has been nearly three years since they were in power and the regional countries, even the Western countries, apparently accepted them. If anyone claims that the Taliban is just a mercenary or a proxy group, and that the people hate it, they have a fatal delusion that needs to be cured.

The Taliban has immense influence among Afghans, including women

While the conspiracy theory may hide a part of the reality itself, a reality that has not yet been fully publicized and for this reason it is exaggerated or, on the contrary, there are many doubts about it. But since it only highlights the external factors of crises and disasters and cannot properly root the internal factors of crises, the theory could be rejected.

The fact is that the Taliban have a lot of influence among a section of the people, and no one can deny that women are included among these people.

The severe misogyny that the Taliban has ruled over Afghanistan does not in any way make us claim that the Taliban is an all-male group, and women are luckily not members of them.

It is not necessary that someone should officially become a member of the Taliban. The Taliban believe in “extremist Islamic ideology” and without doubt anyone who believes in this extremist ideology is considered a Talib, be it a woman or a man.


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