‘TRNC was not on the table in Athens. If there were, this positive atmosphere could not have been created’

TRNC Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu spoke to Harici. Stating that the improvement between Türkiye and Greece should not be exaggerated, Ertuğruloğlu said that “the TRNC issue was not on the table, if it was, this positive atmosphere could not have been created” regarding President Erdoğan’s visit to Athens.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Greece was one of the most important steps towards the normalisation of bilateral relations after a long period of tension. After Erdoğan’s meeting with Greek Prime Minister Kiryakos Mitsotakis, the two leaders pointed to new co-operations.
President Erdoğan said, “There is no issue between Türkiye and Greece that cannot be resolved”, while Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis said, “We have to act together”.
In his statement, Erdoğan stated that he and Mitsotakis also discussed the Cyprus issue and said, “It will be in the interest of the entire region to reach a just, lasting and sustainable solution to Cyprus issue based on realities on the island.”
Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu answered the questions of journalist Esra Karahindiba on President Erdoğan’s visit to Athens, relations with Greece and the Cyprus issue.
*Relations between Türkiye and Greece appear to be improving. During President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s visit to Greece with his cabinet, the Athens Declaration was signed by Erdoğan and Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis. In the picture given at the meeting, everyone at the table was happy and smiling. Of course, the meeting was between Türkiye and Greece. There is no doubt that the focus was on solving the problems of the two countries such as territorial waters and airspace, but do you expect positive developments from this rapprochement towards the two-state solution and TRNC? How do you see the declaration?
We should not exaggerate the issues too much. There is nothing more natural than the improvement of relations between Türkiye and Greece. They are already two neighboring countries; two NATO member countries. Naturally, they should have made an effort to normalize their relations, and they did. But what I see, does not deserve an interpretation that would lead to a conclusion that this or that will happen regarding Cyprus, apart from its real dimensions. In order for this to happen, the Greek Cypriots must come to the point that there is no such entity as the Republic of Cyprus and its government. If we are going to solve the so-called Cyprus problem in Cyprus, the beginning of this can be achieved by defining what the Cyprus problem is and answering the question “What is the Cyprus problem?” sincerely and if both parties reach an agreement on this issue. I did not hear such an issue being discussed during Erdoğan’s meeting with Mitsotakis, and I do not think it was discussed.
*Did you ask Hakan Fidan, “Was there anything about us on the table?”
No, I know very well that there was no such talks. Because if they talked, this positive atmosphere could not be created.
*Was the TRNC issue never brought to Athens?
As far as I know, there isn’t. Nothing like that was taken. Because what is the Cyprus problem? If an agreement is not reached on the definition of the Cyprus problem by the two sides, what solution will we talk about? If you ask Greeks and Greeks, the Cyprus problem is the Turkish invasion that started in 1974 and the ongoing Turkish occupation. We need to ask those who say this why there have been UN peacekeepers on the island since 1964. They have no answers. If the problem started in 1974, there were still peacekeepers on the island from 1964 to 1974, what is the explanation for this? Therefore, the Cyprus problem is not a problem of the Turkish invasion and ongoing occupation that started in 1974. But according to Greeks, it is like that. In our opinion, the Cyprus problem is the recognition of the Greek side as the Government and Republic of Cyprus. Unless this recognition is eliminated and Southern Cyprus is recognized only as a Greek state, you cannot talk about a solution to the Cyprus problem. Again, nothing could be more natural than this, as two NATO member neighboring countries, for Türkiye and Greece to make an effort to resolve their issues, whether it be the Aegean issue or other problems. As Turkish Cypriots, we are not people who are disturbed by this. But this should not lead to interpretations such as the Turkish side will step back on the Cyprus issue, the point of abandoning the point of two sovereign and equal states, and how a policy will be adopted to consolidate the Turks into the so-called Republic of Cyprus. Because this has nothing to do with reality. This approach to the Cyprus issue is a guarantee of failure. It’s been like this for 60 years already.
*Aren’t you a little pessimistic?
I prefer to be realistic. If anyone wants to interpret realism as pessimism, do so. I’m talking about realism. Turkish Cypriots will never accept the Greek side as the representative of the Republic of Cyprus. TRNC will never accept the status of a Greek state called the Republic of Cyprus. Turkish Cypriots are not a society. Turkish Cypriots are a people with a sovereign state. As long as this status is not accepted and if a negotiation process for the reconciliation of the Cyprus issue is to be brought to the agenda, unless a process based on the existence of two sovereign and equal states comes to the agenda, the fact of the matter is that there will be no negotiation process. No matter how they look at it, whether they call it pessimistic or realistic. This is not my problem. As a Turkish Cypriot, I speak clearly in this way because I know that we are not a people who will step back from the position of a state-owning people and accept the status of a society within a Greek state. Those who want to look at the Cyprus issue by drawing rosy scenarios with their imagination can look at it however they want. I prefer to look realistically.
*Russia’s decision to open a diplomatic representation in TRNC caused good mood in Türkiye at first. Discussions were held such as “I wonder if Russia will recognize the TRNC, is this move a sign?” What are the details of this issue? Also, is there any progress in terms of the member states of the Organization of Turkic States regarding the recognition of the TRNC? For example, there was a problem such as the Karabakh issue, which was said to be used as a trump card by the EU in preventing Azerbaijan from recognizing the TRNC. What is the latest situation in your diplomatic initiatives on this issue?
The issue has been reflected incorrectly from day one. It wasn’t an unusual issue either. Because the US Embassy in the south has a liaison office in northern Nicosia. The British have it. None of these are called consulates or consulates general. Russia also has an Embassy in the south. They opened a liaison office in the north, as did the Americans, British, French and Germans. The reason for this is an increasing Russian population in our north. They cannot pass to Southern Cyprus. The Greek Cypriot community does not allow them to pass to Southern Cyprus because they came to the island from TRNC. According to Greek Cypriots, the person coming from TRNC is described as “a person who entered our island illegitimately”. Russians opens such an office and provide consular services to Russian citizens in the north. But this should not be interpreted as meaning that TRNC is recognized. An extension of their embassy in the south, accredited to the south. It is not accredited to us. Not the Americans, not the British. But they work with us unofficially.
‘Azerbaijan’s initiative may lead to final recognition of TRNC’
Don’t be too hasty when it comes to recognition. Look, our recognition policy came to the fore after 2017. We have pursued a policy of demanding recognition for years and it is not like we failed. We have opponents who criticize this way. But it’s not true. We did not bring up the recognition policy during the 60-year long UN negotiations on Cyprus. Because it was not consistent to demand recognition when negotiating to establish a partnership. Since the negotiation process collapsed in Crans-Montana in 2017, we subsequently entered into a policy of sovereign equal state and equal international status. Therefore, it is rather a new policy. We already know that this is not an easy process that will yield results today or tomorrow. We did not enter this process by dreaming. Yes, we became an observer member of the Organization of Turkic States, thanks to Türkiye and President Erdoğan; for the first time with our constitutional name and flag… But of course, we do not have a claim to have everything we want in that organization. Our most favorable relations are currently with Azerbaijan; After the Karabakh incident ended, Azerbaijan’s initiative came to the agenda. And Ilham Aliyev declared at a meeting held there, “The TRNC flag will always wave here.” After the Karabakh incident took place, we see that Azerbaijan has entered into a serious expansion in its relations with us. No one is in a position to say anything clear about how long this next period of time will be, but it is possible to comment that this will lead to final recognition. Nobody should forget this either. It is as if the Greek Cypriot side is making serious efforts to sabotage our relations by using its relations with the Turkish states, the member countries of the Organization of Turkic States, the countries of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, especially with the European Union, as a weapon. For example, Kazakhstan did not invite TRNC to the last leaders’ summit held there. Ersin Tatar could not go there because TRNC was not invited. We did not receive an invitation from Kazakhstan for the Leaders’ Summit. The reason for this is that the Greek side uses EU relations to put pressure on Kazakhstan by using its commercial relations, EU’s projects, programs in Kazakhstan, and the issues it provides financing for.
And of course, they use the decisions taken by the UN Security Council on Cyprus against us as if these decisions were binding decisions. As you know, when the TRNC was established, the UN Security Council passed resolutions criticizing it and calling for no assistance to this state. By using these, these countries’ relations with us are being sabotaged. Now this point is ignored: None of the resolutions passed by the Security Council on Cyprus are binding decisions; It is a recommendation. It is not possible for the UN to impose sanctions on countries that do not comply with these. The most typical and unique example of this is Türkiye. Türkiye does not act in accordance with those decisions. It does not recognize the Greek side; it recognizes TRNC and sends ambassadors there. He accepts ambassadors from TRNC. Therefore, it implements policies contrary to the resolutions passed by the UNSC regarding Cyprus. No one can say that the UN has ever imposed penalties or sanctions on Türkiye. Because no, it can’t be. All of these decisions are recommendations. That’s why they are trying to block the TRNC with such games. We are determined to shape our future by protecting our state and facing all difficulties together with our homeland.
‘Un gave land to the Greeks in the buffer zone’
*Speaking of the UN, there was a serious crisis regarding the Pile – Yiğitler road. There was tension between UN Peacekeeping Force soldiers and Turkish soldiers and police. There was a double standard there too. While the Greeks living in the villages in the region could reach the center without going through customs, the same right was not provided to the Turks. Did the tension at that time damage the relationship between the TRNC and the UN? What is the latest stage of the road project?
We have never had a proper relationship with the UN anyway. The UN has always rewarded the Greek side. The violence was also caused by the indifference of UN soldiers. It was not a planned event. I know the situation very well. Because I am the person who negotiated the Pyla road with the UN, from the beginning, and who still knows about the incident today. I was the one who negotiated with UN Peace Force Special Representative and Chief of Mission Colin Stewart and made the agreement possible.
*Did you encounter that result even though there was an agreement?
Yes. From Yiğitler village towards the Pile route, there is Çayhan Düzü, which is considered a buffer zone according to the UN and which we consider as our land. This is the upper part of Pile. We also have a military unit there. But at one point, one or one and a half kilometers from Pyla, there is a place that we consider as a buffer zone. That’s the region called Onevler. Therefore, it is a place where we accept the authority of the UN. The authority in the buffer zone lies with the UN. Our road continued, came out of Yiğitler, passed Çayhan Düzü. Then, we stopped where that buffer zone begins. Because this is where the UN made a mistake. While the UN negotiated the road project with us and reached an agreement, they made another agreement with the Greek side on issues on which they did not consult with us. They gave permission to the Greeks for subdivision, right where our road will pass, and the Greeks were to build settlements and houses there.
*How can any land be given to Greeks in the buffer zone?
They gave. This is entirely a case of the UN making a fuss about the incident. It is a huge fiasco. Because we showed them where to build the road by giving them a map. They knew what the route was. They allow the Greek Cypriots to carry out subdivision work, which will affect our route, which we do not approve of in any way. We do not accept it in any way.
*So did they ask you?
They did not. We said, “You are making a deal with the Greek Cypriots.” “Yes,” they said. We said, “Can you give us the agreement?”. “We won’t give it to you,” they said. Then we saw it in action. The road has come till there, was about to continue. We came across with Greek construction works. We also reacted. The soldiers showed up. Then, they stopped.
*So, has the parceling work been canceled or suspended?
No, they withdrew, but we cannot continue on our road because in order to do so, we have to enter the buffer zone. Entering the buffer zone without UN approval means a big problem.
*However, at that time, both TRNC and Turkish authorities spoke very clearly. It was said, “We will finish this road, no matter what anyone says.”
We will do. I say the same thing again. Tension broke out on August 18. Diplomacy was used to resolve that crisis. Meetings were held with the UN delegation many times. We reached an agreement on carrying out the road project on October 9. As a result of the agreement, we continued to build the road to the buffer zone until October 9. But when we came to the buffer zone, we found Greek. This is the insincerity of the UN. Even though the UN knew where our road would pass, they made an agreement with the Greek Cypriots and tried to block our path with settlement projects in a way that would sabotage our project. Currently the project is frozen. Our road construction stopped. There is no construction by the Greeks either. Following our reaction, the parceling stopped. Right now, both sides halt.
*What will happen if the Greeks say, “The UN gave this land to us, we will build it?”
They can’t. No way. They stopped because they knew this was not possible.
‘Cyprus issue can not be compared with Israel-Palestine’
*As Türkiye has been discussing the guarantorship model for a peace deal between Israel and Palestine, the Cyprus model was referred to as an example. In the panel organized by the Strategic Research Center of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the guarantorship of Türkiye in Cyprus was again presented as an example. While some academics discuss this model as possible, others argue that the problem between Isral-Palestine is not similar to what is happening between Greeks and Turks in Cyprus in terms of the disproportionate force Israel uses against Palestinians. Can the Cyprus model really be implemedented in terms of Turkey’s guarantorship? How do you evaluate it?
In my opinion, the guarantor policy put forward by Türkiye should not be confused with the Cyprus model. It’s a very different kind of guarantee. As far as I can see, there is no clear stance in Mr. Hakan Fidan’s statement regarding the guarantorship in question, nor any details about what kind of guarantorship it will be. Will there be a military presence or will there be another guarantee system without a military presence? This is a completely different issue that needs to be clarified. In my opinion, if there is to be a warranty system it will be the one that has nothing to do with the warranty system in Cyprus. What is important for us is that after what happened in Gaza, our opponents who criticized our policies on the Cyprus issue when we said “Türkiye’s guarantee should never be given up, we will not give up”, they said “guarantee systems are now outdated, the European Union guarantee in Cyprus is sufficient, it is out of the question that a EU member Cyprus to be guaranteed by a country that is not a member, that is Türkiye”. And now it has become clear how meaningless and incompatible their criticisms those were and how necessary the guarantee system is. But I do not find it necessary to comment on the same guarantee system on Cyprus or a modality of it on Gaza. That’s a completely different event. I do not think it is right to identify the Greek-Turkish issue in Cyprus with the Israel-Gaza issue. We are talking about a different topic. The Cyprus issue has no similarity with the Israel-Palestine issue because Cyprus is a sui-generis issue. We are talking about the disruption of a partnership state in Cyprus. There is a Turkish side that signed agreements on the establishment of the partnership state. Without our signature, a state called the Republic of Cyprus could not have been established in 1960. That’s a completely different incident. There is a Greek side that broke this partnership. It is the Cyprus problem that the world recognizes the Greek Cypriot as the Republic of Cyprus, even though it is the party that broke the partnership. This has no resemblance to the Palestine-Israel issue.
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The Donald Trump administration is reportedly planning to introduce new restrictions on entry to the US for citizens of forty-three countries, including Russia and Belarus.
According to The New York Times, citing American officials familiar with the matter, the project was prepared by American diplomats and security units and envisages dividing countries into three categories: “red,” “orange,” and “yellow.”
Travel to the US will be significantly restricted for citizens of the ten countries on the “orange” list.
Only “wealthy business travelers” from these countries will be allowed to enter the country, while tourist and immigration visas may be prohibited.
In addition to Russia and Belarus, Haiti, Laos, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Eritrea, and Turkmenistan are also planned to be included in this list.
The “red” list includes eleven countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan, Cuba, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen, and citizens of these countries will be completely banned from entering the US.
The 22 countries on the “yellow” list will be given 60 days to address US concerns. Otherwise, these countries may also be placed in the “orange” or “red” categories. This list generally includes Caribbean and African countries.
It is not yet known whether the new regulation will affect existing visas and residence permits (green cards).
It remains unclear whether these will be canceled.
The recommendations regarding the new entry regulation were prepared by the State Department a few weeks ago, but the document may be revised before being submitted to the White House.
In addition, The New York Times recalled that in January, Donald Trump signed a decree envisaging the identification of countries whose information provided was “insufficient for verification” and the partial or complete suspension of entry for citizens of these countries.
The newspaper also noted that Trump imposed a similar ban during his first presidential term (2017-2021), but this ban was later lifted by his successor, Joe Biden.
The report noted that officials from various government agencies declined to comment on the matter.
CK Hutchison shares fall after China criticizes Panama port sale
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Shares in Hong Kong-based conglomerate CK Hutchison fell 5% on Friday after China criticized the sale of its Panama Canal ports and suggested it should “think twice” about a $22.8 billion deal with US asset manager BlackRock.
A strongly worded commentary, which first appeared in Hong Kong’s Beijing-backed newspaper Ta Kung Pao and was reposted late Thursday by China’s top office in charge of the territory’s affairs, accused the US of using “despicable means” to pressure the deal.
The article stated, “[Critics] say this is a spineless, fawning, profit-seeking move that sells out integrity for personal gains and disregards national interests. [It is an act of betraying and selling out all the Chinese people].”
It emphasized that China’s maritime transport and trade would be hindered by the US and that CK Hutchison should “think twice” about “what position and side it should be on.”
Dan Baker, a senior equity analyst at Morningstar, said concerns over whether the deal would be completed after securing approval from the Trump administration were reflected in Friday’s share price decline, but that the move might be an “overreaction.”
“To the extent that the company still has assets in China, if the Chinese government is angry with them for making this sale, there is probably some potential investor concern about what might happen to their businesses that are still there,” Baker said.
Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for about 14% of CK Hutchison’s 2023 revenues, while revenues from the UK and Europe accounted for about 50% of that.
CK Hutchison did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Its shares had risen more than 20% in Hong Kong when the deal was first announced last week.
At the time, Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian declined to comment on the sale but denied Trump’s claims that China controlled the canal.
Under the agreement in principle, 43 ports owned by billionaire Li Ka-shing’s CK Hutchison company, located at both ends of the Panama Canal, will be sold to a consortium that includes BlackRock.
These ports include those in the UK and Germany, as well as Southeast Asia, the Middle East, Mexico, and Australia.
According to the Financial Times, BlackRock CEO Larry Fink briefed senior officials from the Trump administration, including the President and Secretary of State Marco Rubio, to secure their support for the takeover.
The deal was planned a few days after Donald Trump took office. The President said in his inaugural speech: “The Panama Canal is operated by China… and we are taking it back.”
Li, who retired as chairman of CK Hutchison in 2018 and still serves as a senior advisor, was actively involved in the negotiations.
China, Russia, Iran unite in call to end illegal sanctions
3 days agoon
China, Russia, and Iran, following trilateral talks in Beijing on Friday, called for an end to “illegal and unilateral sanctions” against Tehran, as well as “threats of force.”
In a joint statement released by Chinese state television CCTV, the three countries said that diplomatic engagement and dialogue based on “mutual respect” were the “only effective and viable option” to address the issue of Iran’s nuclear program.
“The three countries emphasized that relevant parties should be determined to eliminate the root causes of the current situation and abandon sanctions and pressure, as well as military threats,” the statement continued.
The statement did not explicitly mention the US, but the meeting followed Iran’s rejection of Donald Trump’s proposal to restart nuclear negotiations. Tehran said it was not fair to negotiate under conditions where Washington was implementing a policy of maximum pressure.
The meeting, chaired by Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu, was attended by Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov and Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Kazem Gharibabadi.
During his first term as president, Trump withdrew the US from the international agreement under which Iran agreed to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the lifting of sanctions.
Last week, Trump proposed restarting negotiations in a letter to Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which was delivered by the United Arab Emirates. In an interview a day after the letter was delivered, he said that if Tehran did not want to negotiate, the US would have to “intervene militarily.”
Iranian President Masoud Pezeshkian said that he would not negotiate under “threat” and would not submit to the “orders” of the US.
Friday’s meeting took place before a conference at the United Nations Security Council on the same day to discuss Iran’s growing uranium stockpile. Earlier this month, the International Atomic Energy Agency expressed new concerns about Iran’s uranium enrichment activities, stating that these activities were approaching weapons-grade levels.
In a joint press conference with his Russian and Iranian counterparts, Sergei Ryabkov and Kazem Gharibabadi, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu said: “We emphasized the importance of UN Security Council Resolution 2231 and its timeframe, and called on relevant parties to avoid actions that would escalate the situation and to jointly create a favorable atmosphere and conditions for diplomatic efforts.”
The resolution Ma referred to endorsed the nuclear agreement, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, which was also signed by China, Russia, Britain, France, Germany, and the European Union.
On Friday, both China and Russia welcomed Iran’s commitment to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Tehran’s pledge not to pursue nuclear weapons. “They emphasized that Iran’s right to use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes as a party to the treaty should be fully respected,” the statement said.
The trio also held joint naval exercises in the Gulf of Oman last week to deepen military cooperation.
It was also noteworthy that the meeting was not held in Beijing. China, which aims to mediate in disputes in the Middle East, has previously mediated between Iran and Saudi Arabia, long-time adversaries, and brought together Palestinian organizations in Beijing at the beginning of the Gaza War.
Analysts say that China’s growing interest in the Middle East also reflects Beijing’s desire to diversify relations beyond economic partnerships. According to Jonathan Fulton of the Atlantic Council, some Middle Eastern countries see relations with China as a tool and even leverage to attract the attention of the US.
“Iran, of course, sees the West as an enemy and China’s support as crucial to navigating a challenging regional and international environment,” Fulton said in his recent report for the Washington-based think tank.

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