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Who is the interim president Mohammad Mokhber who will lead Iran to elections?



Following the death of President Ibrahim Reisi in a helicopter crash, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei announced that First Vice President Mohammad Mokhber would carry out presidential duties until the election, in accordance with the relevant article of the constitution.

A message of condolence was posted on Khamenei’s X media platform following the death of President Reisi in a helicopter crash. Khamenei, who wished Reisi mercy, condoled with the Iranian people and announced 5 days of general mourning in the country. Khamenei said: “According to Article 131 of the Constitution, Mr (First Vice President) Mokhber is the head of the executive branch and is responsible for making the necessary arrangements with the heads of the legislative and judicial branches to ensure the election of a new president within a maximum of 50 days.”

According to Press TV, Mokhber is expected to be one of the candidates in the new election to be held in 50 days.

Who is Mohammad Mokhber?

Mohammad Mokhber was born in 1955 in Dezful, Khuzestan Province, Iran. He holds a degree in electrical engineering and a doctorate in economic planning and management and international law.

Appointed First Vice President of the Republic of Iran in 2021, he has served as a member of the Iranian Council for the Determination of the Interests of the Order, Managing Director of Sinabank, President of the Foundation for the Implementation of the Commandments of Imam Khomeini, Director of Customs and Transport of the Economic Organisation of the Mustazaflar Foundation, and Deputy Governor of Khuzestan.

In January 2021, the US Treasury Department placed the Centre for the Implementation of Imam Khomeini’s Commandments, which is affiliated with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and headed by Mokhber, and its directors on the sanctions list for “confiscating land and property from opponents of the regime, including political opponents, religious minorities and exiles”.

It was added to the European Union’s sanctions list in July 2010 for the same reason and removed two years later.

No survivors in helicopter crash: Iran to hold elections in 50 days


Israeli, Arab generals hold secret meeting



Israeli Chief of Staff Hayzi Halevi met with his counterparts from various Arab armies in Bahrain to discuss regional security cooperation, two sources with direct knowledge of the meeting told Axios.

The meeting, which took place under the auspices of the US Central Command (CENTCOM), was not made public due to sensitivities surrounding the war in Gaza.

The meeting, which took place in Manama on Monday, was attended by CENTCOM commander Michael Erik Kurilla and Halevi, as well as senior generals from Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt.

According to Barak Ravid’s report, the meeting was a sign that military dialogue and cooperation between Israel and the Arab countries continues under the umbrella of CENTCOM, despite harsh public criticism of Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

The IDF and CENTCOM did not comment on the meeting.

CENTCOM and the Pentagon have recently sought to increase air defence cooperation with regional militaries.

The US success in countering Iran’s unprecedented missile and drone attack on Israel on 13 April is seen as a result of this work.

US officials say that cooperation with Israel and Arab countries in the region allows them to gather intelligence and receive early warning of an attack. This cooperation includes the active involvement of Jordan and Saudi Arabia in intercepting missiles and drones that pass through their airspace after being fired at Israel from Iran, Iraq and Yemen, they said.

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End to hostilities: Afghanistan and Pakistan must search way forward



Instead, hostilities between the two neighboring countries are fueling with each passing day as Islamabad and Kabul are stick to its inflexible stances and reluctant to accept each other’s autonomous and sovereign status. Pakistan along with recognition of controversial Durand Line as a permanent International border also forcing Taliban (Emirate Islami Afghanistan) to take action against banned Tehrik Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militants or to surrender them. But despite their staunch stance on own interpretation of Islamic doctrine, Taliban are firm to defend Afghanistan historical traditions of hospitality, “saying banned TTP militants are guests and guests are not forced to return or will be handed over to their enemies.” Taliban rulers are suggesting Pakistan to go for reconciliation with TTP instead threatening them of dire consequences.

Amidst hectic preparation on the part of UN sponsored third Doha Conference on Afghanistan scheduled to be held, the Taliban regime yet to get support from other countries especially those having direct or indirect stakes in the long awaited conflict. Earlier Taliban have not only got but Pakistan worked like its attorney in both the previous held conferences in Doha. But this time Pakistan is attaching or making conditional its support to Afghanistan. Most recently Pakistan’s high level team headed by Interior secretary had visited Kabul and held series of talks with the Taliban ministers but the results seems disappointing. On return of interior secretary lead delegation from Kabul, Pakistan has stimulated further security measures along with Pak Afghan border. Similarly terrorists also intensified its attacks and threats to tribesmen, especially in Kurram region. The extra ordinary activism on the part of security forces in different merged tribal districts portray something else.

Reginal countries are in direct talk with the Taliban and Pakistan needs to learn from this.

Whatever might be strategies of Pakistan but one thing is very clear. Compare to recent past, situation is different in Afghanistan. Like of former Peshawar manufactured Jehadi groups. Almost top Taliban leaders are also made disheartened. Instead Rawalpindi-Islamabad, now major stake holders i.e. US lead allies are engaging Taliban through Qatar, whereas China and Russian Federation succeeded in establishing own links with Kabul and Kandahar. Saudi Arab is completely reshuffling its internal and external policies. On such grounds instead becoming sentimental, Pakistan must review its failed even flopped policies towards Afghanistan. In the wake of poor or even “BIG NO” response from Taliban regime, Pakistan instead, has declared, “no more talks with TTP.” But it doesn’t resolve the issue. The issue could easily be resolved through peaceful and political means. Instead dictating Taliban (Emirate Islami Afghanistan) like masters, Pakistan needs to behave like friend and contemporary, if it really wants settling its own scores in that war ravaged country.

No one deny the fact that Pakistan suffered a lot on its involvement in prolonged conflict in Afghanistan but its trade and diplomatic relations remained satisfactory even during the hostile or unfriendly regimes in Kabul. But now when Kabul is governed by Pakistan backed Taliban, clashes between and across the border encounters, closure of border for bilateral trade and pedestrians and war of words between the two neighboring countries become a routine matter. Almost Afghan traders have diverted trade and business affairs from Karachi Port to Bandar Abbass Iran and other Central Asian countries. Construction of Railway track with technical and logistic support of India likely to smash dreams of Pakistan regard establishing and dominating consumer markets in CAR states through Afghanistan. Pakistan’s most sincere friend also seems disappointed as it has established direct links with Afghanistan. In such a circumstances, Pakistan must realize gravity of ground situation and remain careful regarding insisting on Zia-Hameed Gul framed strategic depth policies in Afghanistan.

Afghans could easily be controlled through friendly attitude be not possible through sticks and guns.

“Afghans could easily be governed and controlled through friendly attitude but seems impossible to be controlled through sticks and guns,” it is the most readable and circulated proverb. Long standing conflict in Afghanistan is a political issue and could easily be settled through political means. Unfortunately since along the main stake holder-US lead allies remained reluctant to let resolve or let political awareness and  unification in Afghanistan for settling the issue through political means. Whatever may be claims but anger and hate against Taliban is stimulating day by day. Pakistan as immediate neighbor can play a vital role in permanent and durable solution to the conflict.

Pakistan deserves peace and tranquility as its leaders are ahead with huge issues of governance, security, poverty, unemployment and deteriorating economy. Unless and until return of complete peace and tranquility in Afghanistan, it could be hard for Pakistan to put its own house in order, therefore, Pakistan needs to play a rule as a “mediator” instead of a “partisan.” Pakistan could easily convince Taliban for transferring power to an inclusive interim government, which go for strengthening of political process before holding of elections. Only a democratically elected political government may be capable of settling the long standing conflict in Afghanistan. And this democratically elected government may be in interests of Pakistan.

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Israeli strike on Gaza school kills more than 30



According to initial reports, 39 people have been killed and dozens more injured in an Israeli army attack on a school for displaced people run by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) in the Nuseirat  refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip.

A written statement posted on the Telegram account of the Government Media Office in Gaza said that the Israeli army committed a terrible massacre by bombing a school where dozens of displaced people were sheltering in the 2nd district of Nuseirat refugee camp.

The statement said that the bodies of those killed in the attack reached Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital and dozens of wounded were brought to the hospital, stressing that it was filled three times its capacity with wounded and sick people. It was pointed out that the dead and wounded continue to be brought to the hospital.

The Israel Defence Forces (IDF) claimed that the school was being used by Hamas and that it had taken extensive measures to prevent harm to civilians in the ‘sensitive’ attack.

The IDF said in a statement that the school in question was used by Hamas’s elite Nukba forces, which took part in the 7 October raid. The statement claimed that Hamas, together with Islamic Jihad, directed ‘terrorist attacks’ from there.

The Gaza government statement condemned Israel for committing genocide by carrying out these massacres. The statement also condemned America for standing by Israel and giving the green light to the continuation of this genocide by providing arms and military support.

The statement held Israel and the US administration fully responsible for these crimes against humanity and international law and called on the world to condemn these crimes and the Israeli-American attacks on Gaza.

The statement called on the international community, the United Nations and all international institutions and organisations to put pressure on Israel to stop the genocide against civilians, children and women in Gaza.

The statement also called on the international community to prosecute Israeli and American war criminals involved in these daily massacres and genocide against civilians in Gaza.

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