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Quo Vadis World Economy-II: Uneven blows of inflation and slowing operations



US Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen first paid homage to a slave memorial in Senegal, then spoke to farmers in a remote village in Zambia, and eventually visited a job retraining facility in South Africa’s coal region on tour to convince the locals of the good intentions of her country.

“We’ve seen inflation come down substantially,” Yellen said about the American economy in South Africa, although “there can be hiccups” and she “wouldn’t predict month-to-month-type changes.”

Despite her belief that rental prices substantially contribute to inflation, Yellen expects that it would come out over the next five or six months, and this cooldown would deaccelerate the price rise. She also said that goods prices have actually been falling, but service prices are rising more rapidly.

Considering the 2.9 percent growth in the fourth quarter is “solid,” Yellen emphasized that slower growth is desirable in this high-inflation environment.

Interim balance sheet in inflation

The New York Fed has published a study that explores which income groups are more affected by inflation. The findings show that inflation had varying effects on different groups in 2021 and 2022.

Middle-income households are hit worst by inflation in 2021. Those with an annual earning between $50,000 and $150,000 are considered middle-incomed.

This income group was most suffered from the rocketed prices of used cars and motor fuel. The lower-income group is more likely to rely on public transportation, while the wealthy are more likely to purchase brand-new cars, and their spendings on gas constitute a much less portion of their income. These made middle-income households the main target of inflation. This outcome is partially attributable to differences in consumption patterns between the well-off and the poor, between peasants and urbanites.

Fuel and used car costs have fallen in recent months. Meanwhile, the rising rental and goods prices are hurting. Inflation now primarily affects the lower-income population since these two are among the necessary expenditures.

For this reason, the poorest 40 percent of the population bears an extra 0.3% inflation.

For example, rural residents experienced 2 percent higher inflation than the national average in the year leading up to February 2022. The same regions are now living below-average inflation.

In early 2022, black and Hispanic households experienced a 1 percent extra inflation rate than white households. As it turns out, the inflation for non-college-educated people is also more severe. These groups are shown to be getting closer to the average inflation rate.

Food and rental prices rise faster than the inflation average (10.6 percent, 7.9 percent, and 7.1 percent, respectively). Therefore, what Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman argued in New York Times last November, “inflation does not hurt the poor disproportionately,” is not true. Krugman bases his argument on the fact that the proportion of pay increases for low-income employees is higher than that for high-wage ones.

The poorest quarter of Americans spends more than half of their income on housing, food, and healthcare, according to statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the United States. The high-income group disposes of a far more significant percentage of their money to dining out, self-entertainment, vacation, and brand-new and used cars than the low-income group.

Prices of basic needs have risen more rapidly than non-essential goods, as the general and historical tendency suggests.

Decline in consumer spending

It is generally agreed that falling consumer spending is a significant contributor to the recent decline in the inflation rate.

According to statistics released last week, consumer demand fell in December by 0.2% compared to the previous month. This rate rises to 0.3% after adjusting for inflation.

Although December is the Christmas season, consumer demand fell by 1.1% from November, according to data on retail sales.

Perhaps one of the most important indicators of the decline in American consumption is the considerable drop in the trade deficit in November. This month’s greatest monthly loss in a 14-year period highlighted falling consumer demand and increased importing-associated financing costs.

The US trade deficit narrowed by 21% in November, falling to $61.5 billion. While overall imports dropped by 6.4%, imports of products decreased by 7.5%. In November, exports fell 2% as well.

While the dollar’s relative strength lowers the worldwide competitiveness of American manufactured products, the high-interest rate policy of the FED has an impact on reducing demand.

Another issue is that households whose savings seemed to grow thanks to the state’s monetary subsidies during the pandemic are being enticed back to levels in 2005.

Furthermore, consumer loaning is getting dangerously close to its limits. In the third quarter of 2022, payments for credit cards, vehicles, and student loans have peaked since 2008.

Manufacturing industry is alarming

More importantly, a possible “factory recession” in the manufacturing sector in the United States may be the direst of these developments.

A Wall Street Journal survey predicted a 0.1 percent decline in industrial output in December 2022 before the numbers were released. The official statistics revealed a shrinkage of 0.7%, failing all expectations.

Capacity utilization was anticipated at 79.6 percent. The numbers showed a decline, down 78.8 percent compared to November.

Manufacturing continued the downward slide. The manufacturing sector lost another 1.3% in December after shrinking by 1.1% in November.

The industry experienced a 1.8% drop in new orders in November.

The increase in capital expenditures (equipment, buildings, intellectual property) was a modest 0.7 percent. In the third quarter, these rates were 6.3%. Therefore, it stands to reason that investment has slowed down as well.

It is often believed that the manufacturing sector of the American economy is the most vulnerable to a recession. In Q2, a technical recession is likely to occur, but economists expect it to be ‘mild.’

Teeny-weeny recessions

The overall tendency of recent estimates for the American economy is the assumption of a modest recession.

The US economy will be cooled down by the FED’s decision to keep raising interest rates at a slower pace, increasing loaning costs and declining consumer demand.

However, even the “pessimistic” FED believed there was a light at the end of the tunnel. Almost everyone anticipates a quarter-point increase in interest rates at this week’s meeting. A ‘soft landing’ is possible for the American economy, FED Governor Christopher Waller noted in his ‘Cautious Optimism’ address.

In the Bloomberg survey, economists predicted GDP would begin to decline in the second quarter, albeit a modest drop.

On the other hand, the technical definition of a recession is a decline in economic activity that lasts for two consecutive quarters in many countries. However, as Bloomberg points out, this is not the situation in the United States. In private meetings, ‘elite’ scholars of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a “non-profit” institution, are responsible for making the “official” declaration of a recession in the United States. Their deliberations often take place for a full year. The common definition of a recession is that the consensus essentially drives Wall Street that a recession is being experienced.

Is the labor market ‘tight’?

All US officials and corporate economists agree that the labor market is ‘tight.’

Unemployment rates are at historic lows, while corporations continue hiring despite the massive layoffs at tech giants.

However, the dismissals by major corporations do not directly indicate that the economy is currently in recession. Since many businesses anticipate a slowdown in 2023, they may now be adopting preventative measures to reduce labor expenses.

As a matter of fact, the formerly ‘tight’ labor market began showing signs of relaxation in December. The ever-increasing new employment after the pandemic has started to cool down. Companies created two hundred thirty thousand new positions in December. Compared to the previous two years, this is the lowest increase.

New jobs opened in 2022 were 4.5 million, clearly lower than the 6.7 million expected in 2021.

The figures may seem optimistic, but more nuanced data is concealed beneath them. The labor force participation rate, which measures the percentage of adults in the United States who are either employed or actively seeking jobs, increased to 62.3% in December; nonetheless, this is still lower than the pre-pandemic levels.

In addition, the average weekly working hours have been falling in the last two years, and in December, it marked 34.3 hours.

Employment with temporary aid services has dropped by 110.000 in the previous five months. Coupled with the data shown above, it means that employers are abandoning temporary aid programs and cutting down on employee hours in response to falling demand from customers.

Wage growth slows down

Several experts, like American Center Vice President Lael Brainard, have pointed out that low-income workers have had less wage increases than high-income workers. It is evident that employees in non-administrative positions have witnessed a lesser salary gain.

However, we have already covered above that the basic expenses of low-wage workers are concentrated in a few key areas and that inflation in these areas is greater than in others. To all this, additional details, including: Prices increased by 14% from early 2021 to late 2022, but low-income employees saw a rise of just 11.5% in their average annual salary.

Similarly, the pace of salary increase has slowed. The average hourly pay in the United States rose 4.6% in December over the previous year. It should be emphasized that inflation in the same period was 7.1 percent.

Despite all this, it is worth noting that consumer optimism is rising in OECD countries. The industrial sector, which was projected to be impacted severely by the rise in energy costs, was spared from collapsing by the mild winter, especially in Europe. In the following article, our focus will be on Europe.


Will Biden withdraw?



The debate that began after US President Joe Biden’s poor performance in the televised debate against Donald Trump, his rival in the November election, is growing.
Amid growing calls for him to withdraw from the race, Biden held a meeting with his campaign team, the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and Democratic governors.

According to Politico, the president, who met with the DNC and his campaign team via Zoom, said he was in the race for the long haul, despite reports that he had privately admitted to allies that his candidacy was shaky.

He also acknowledged that the days since his debate with former President Donald Trump last week had been “damaging,” according to two people present at the meeting who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive topic.
Biden said in the Zoom interview: “Let me say this as clearly as I can, as simply as I can: I am staying. Nobody is pushing me out. I am not leaving. I am in this race to the end and we are going to win,” he said.

Vice President Kamala Harris, who has recently come to the fore as Democrats focus on her as a possible running mate, sat next to Biden on the video call.

Harris said in the meeting: “We will not back down. We will follow the path of our president. We will fight and we will win,” Harris said.

The President thanked everyone who worked on his campaign and reminded them of what was at stake. Biden said: “There is no one I would rather be with in this fight than all of you. So let’s link arms. Let’s finish this job. You, me, the vice president. Together,” he said.

Biden also called congressional Democratic leaders earlier on Wednesday and met with Democratic governors in the evening. Some of the governors travelled from across the country to attend the meeting in person, rather than virtually.

Governors endorse Biden

Democratic governors threw their support behind Joe Biden after talks at the White House, despite a series of poor polls for the president and calls from some members of Congress for him to withdraw from the US presidential race.

Biden, who met with more than 20 influential governors, tried to convince them that he was committed to his re-election campaign.

Three governors emerged from the White House insisting that they had full confidence in the president. “The governors are behind him,” said Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, adding that Biden was “fit for the job”.

“The president has continued to tell us and show us everything,” said Maryland Governor Wes Moore, while New York Governor Kathy Hochul added: “President Joe Biden is in this to win.”

Others at the meeting included Gavin Newsom of California, Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan and JB Pritzker of Illinois.

Newsom later posted on X: “I heard four words from the President tonight: he’s fully on board. And so am I. Joe Biden has our support. Now it’s his turn,” he said.
Among the leaked information is that Biden told the governors he met with that he had “had a checkup”.

Congressional Democrats’ letter of withdrawal

According to a report in the Financial Times (FT), a group of moderate Democratic House members with a focus on national security have drafted a letter calling on Biden to withdraw from the race.

Bloomberg first reported that dozens of Democratic members of Congress were privately considering signing a letter urging Biden to step aside.

At the same time, Arizona Democratic Congressman Raúl Grijalva on Wednesday became the second member of the House of Representatives to publicly call for Biden to suspend his re-election bid.

Grijalva told the New York Times, “This is an opportunity to look elsewhere. What [Biden] needs to do is take responsibility … part of that responsibility is to withdraw from the race,” Grijalva told the New York Times.

Democratic Congressman Seth Moulton of Massachusetts also issued his own statement, saying he had “serious concerns” about Biden’s ability to defeat Trump.

Some donors have also given up on Biden

As the cauldron within the Democratic Party continues to boil, some of Biden’s campaign donors have begun to speak out.

Damon Lindelof, who has been a major donor to Democrats for years, including the campaigns of Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, became the first high-profile donor to raise a kettle against Biden.

“I have been a lifelong Democrat and I love my complex, glorious country. I’m not writing this anonymously because I’m asking others in positions of influence to do the same. I don’t know if what I have to say matters, but I know what my eyes, ears and heart tell me. I’ve been asleep at the wheel, and it’s time to wake up,” Lindelof said.

According to Axios, “concerned Democratic donors” grilled Biden campaign officials in a Zoom call on Monday, pressing Biden’s team on how to deal with new concerns about his fitness for office.

According to Axios, the donors’ questions revealed deep doubts within the Democratic Party about whether Biden has the stamina, skill and substance to go head-to-head with former President Trump over the next four months, defeat him on November 5 and serve another four-year term.

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Coup attempt foiled in Bolivia



Armoured vehicles broke through the gates of the government palace in Bolivia on Wednesday in an attempted coup against President Luis Arce.

The coup attempt failed when Arce’s supporters and trade unions took to the streets against the coup and Arce refused to surrender.

Supporters of the president took to the streets with Bolivian flags and the troops withdrew from the presidential palace. At the same time, Arce appointed a new army commander who ordered the troops to withdraw.

The Bolivian leader said: ‘Here we are, standing firm in Casa Grande to resist any coup attempt. We need the organisation of the Bolivian people,” said the Bolivian leader.

In a video broadcast on Bolivian television, Arce confronted Juan José Zúñiga, the army commander believed to be leading the rebellion, in the corridor of the palace. “I am your leader and I order you to withdraw your troops and I will not tolerate this disobedience,” Arce is heard saying.

Putschist Zúñiga’s hesitation leads to defeat

“Of course there will soon be a new council of ministers, our country, our state cannot continue like this,” Zúñiga told reporters in the square before entering the government building, but said that “for the time being” he recognised Arce as commander-in-chief.

Zúñiga did not explicitly say he was leading a coup, but said at the palace that the military was trying to “restore democracy and free political prisoners”.

Arce, for his part, called for “respect for democracy” in a message posted on his X account. “We cannot allow coup attempts to take the lives of Bolivians again,” Arce said from inside the palace, surrounded by government officials, in a video message sent to news agencies.

An hour later, to cheers from supporters, Arce announced the new heads of the army, navy and air force. The video showed soldiers setting up barricades outside the government palace.

“I order all those who are mobilised to return to their units. No one wants the images we see on the streets,” said newly appointed army commander José Wilson Sánchez.

Putschist general accuses Arce of ‘orchestrating coup’

Zúñiga was taken into custody after the Bolivian Attorney General’s Office issued an arrest warrant for General Zúñiga.

At the time of his arrest, the officer accused Luis Arce of orchestrating a coup attempt to “increase his popularity”.

At the time of his arrest, Zúñiga said: “I met with the president on Sunday at the La Salle school, and the president told me: ‘The situation is terrible, this week is going to be critical. So I must prepare something to increase my popularity,'” Zúñiga is reported to have said.

The general went on to describe his alleged conversation with Arce, claiming that when he asked Arce “if they should remove the armoured vehicles”, Arce replied in the affirmative. According to Zúñiga, military vehicles were mobilised that night and preparations began.

Before his arrest, Zúñiga claimed that this was a “self-coup”.

Local media reported that the general would be charged with terrorism and armed rebellion against the security and sovereignty of the state.

The authorities later announced the arrest of a second person implicated in Wednesday’s events, Juan Arnez Salvador, former commander of the Bolivian navy.

The US is ‘closely monitoring the situation’

Following the coup attempt, Latin American and Caribbean countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Honduras also expressed their support for Arce.

The United States, on the other hand, said only that it was “closely monitoring the situation”.

Earlier this week, Bolivian government sources warned that a US-backed coup was being prepared.

Morales-Arce rivalry in the ruling MAS party?

In addition to economic problems, Bolivia has been rocked for some time by rifts at the highest levels of the ruling party.

Arce and his former ally, former president Evo Morales, are fighting over the future of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) ahead of elections in 2025.

Zuniga was ousted on Monday after appearing on television and saying he would arrest Morales if he ran again next year.

Laws limiting presidential terms do not allow Morales to run again.

In several public statements, Arce had claimed that he was the target of a “soft coup” aimed at “shortening his term” and that Morales’ supporters were behind it.

The former president, for his part, has said that Arce is trying to undermine his desire to run for president again by taking over the leadership of the MAS.

Bolivia is also facing a severe economic crisis due to fuel and foreign currency shortages. Arce blamed Morales for unions taking to the streets in response.

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A ‘new McCarthyism’ in the US: Pro-Palestinian university professors lose their jobs



As police crackdowns in the US target pro-Palestinian student protests on campus, university administrators are cutting ties with pro-Palestinian faculty members.

Since the beginning of the Israeli invasion of Gaza, academics in politics, sociology, Japanese literature, public health, Latin American and Caribbean studies, Middle Eastern and African studies, mathematics, education and many other fields have been fired or suspended for their pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli rhetoric.

According to The Intercept, there is no official data on the number of academics who have lost their jobs or been suspended for supporting Palestine, largely because higher education in the country is fragmented, often privatised and based on short-term contracts.

In general, professors who have lost their jobs and been suspended over Palestine have brought these allegations to public attention by making them themselves. A large number of academics across the country are likely to be investigated, and many will see their contracts quietly expire without renewal.

The Intercept spoke to more than ten professors, both adjunct and tenured, whose jobs have been threatened because of their pro-Palestinian views. All of the professors the publication spoke to have been investigated at some point since 7 October, and some of the investigations have been closed with no evidence of wrongdoing.

Several have received varying degrees of suspension, and four of the professors have lost their jobs or face losing them next week when the semester ends without renewal of their contracts.

“A large number of our investigations, even lawsuits, involve due process violations related to non-reappointment, dismissal, tenure, and the like,” said Anita Levy, senior programme officer for the American Association of University Professors.

Levy said the non-profit organisation, which advocates for faculty rights and academic freedom, has filed five cases in recent months related to pro-Palestinian speech.

“It is unusual to file five or six cases in a two-month period when social media posts about a current event, such as the war in Gaza, are suspended,” Levy said. None of the cases we filed were related to pro-Israel rhetoric. They were all in support of the Palestinian cause,” he said.

Levy said the US was at the beginning of a “new McCarthyism”, noting that what had happened “could be the tip of the iceberg”.

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