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‘F-16 issue linked to Sweden’s NATO membership’



Richard Outzen is a retired US colonel who served on the US State Department’s Policy Planning Team and as an advisor to several secretaries of state.

Outzen served as both a military and civilian advisor to the US State Department between 2016 and 2021, working in the Office of Policy Planning and later in the Office of the Special Envoy for Syria. From 2013 to 2016, he was a faculty member at the National Defense University (NDU) and the Institute for National Security Studies. From 2014 to 2015, he was the US defense attaché in Kabul. He previously served as deputy chief of staff for training and development for the US Security Coordinator in Jerusalem. He has published extensive research on policy and strategy issues, with a focus on the Middle East and Central Asia.

Currently a geopolitical advisor to leading US think tanks such as the Atlantic Council, Outzen, who speaks Turkish, Arabic, Hebrew and German, has over thirty years of active military service, held various command, staff and liaison positions, and spent ten years in the Middle East, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Outzen answered our questions on Turkey-US relations, Turkey’s position in NATO and the Russia-Ukraine war.

‘Turkey’s demands for Sweden’s membership are reasonable and appropriate’

A trilateral meeting between Turkey, Sweden and Finland took place recently. After the meeting, President Erdoğan said that “we are not very warm” to Sweden’s NATO membership. Do you think this opinion will change before the NATO summit in Lithuania next month? How will NATO and the US react if it doesn’t change?

I do not see a great chance for a change. What actions Sweden takes are important. They had some legal problems. It can be said that there is a weakness in Swedish law against terrorism. For them, being a member of a terrorist organization was not a serious crime. These constitutional problems changed at the end of 2022. In the past, if a person did not actually commit an act of terrorism, it was not a crime. It was not even a crime to make propaganda and recruit members, let alone to be a member. This allowed the PKK, an international terrorist organization, to demonstrate and expand its influence in Sweden. Turkey would naturally not be in favor of such a situation. The amendment to this law only came into force on June 1st. So far, it is known that they will extradite one terrorist offender, and he is known for crimes such as drugs as well as PKK affiliation. But this is only one step.

Turkey is waiting for more important steps. It wants the organization’s money collection and recruitment methods to be prevented. I think this is a reasonable and appropriate request. After all, NATO membership comes with many obligations. If Sweden is attacked one day, Turkey will have to defend Sweden. Therefore, Sweden should take the PKK, Turkey’s number one national security problem, seriously. This is a very reasonable request. So I do not think there will be a major change happening within a month. I do not expect it to be in time for Vilnius. I know that we (the US) will be disappointed here too. After all, we are trying to grow NATO against the Russian threat. Both aspirations are good and reasonable, but the timing is not good.

That’s why I do not think the US will react with threatening language and sanctions. This is not going to speed up the process in any way. Turkey has shown that it will not give up its national interests through sanctions. My guess is that it will go on like this for another 3-4 months. Sweden will continue to implement its new laws. If Turkey is satisfied, they will be able to join NATO, just like Finland. We should not expect this to happen quickly.

‘They will not give F-16 approval until they see Sweden’s NATO membership’

As you know, the F-16 and modernization kit negotiations between Turkey and the US are ongoing. The Biden administration has also expressed its positive opinion on this issue, but the decision also needs to be approved by the Congress. How do you think Turkey’s position and policies on Sweden will affect the F-16 decision? Does the purchase of F-16s depend on Sweden’s membership?

It depends. It should not depend, but unfortunately it does. The place of Congress in our system is very important when it comes to arms deals. Especially in committee on foreign affairs, there are four senior congressmen. If even one of them objects, there will be a delay. The president could force a vote as per his wishes, but that would not go down well with his own party. That’s why Biden will start his rounds of persuasion. One of the people he has to convince is Senator Menendez. Menendez has said that he will not give his approval until he sees Sweden’s NATO membership. If the Swedish issue is to drag on, so is the F-16.  This is very upsetting. I personally support Turkey getting the F-16s. After all, this is a matter of domestic politics. The Democrats want to see Sweden in NATO and they do not care much about the PKK. Of course, there are also anti-Turkey people in the congress. They are disturbed by the strengthening of Turkey. Of course, this is not a new issue.  During the 1974 peace operation, the congress was also annoyed and imposed embargoes. We stopped selling anything to Turkey for 5-6 years. At that time, Turkey’s defense industry was not very mature. It became a bigger problem for Turkey.  In fact, this played a big role in the development of defense investments in Turkey. In order not to be in a dependent role like then, the Turks reinforced their defense industry. The F-16 issue is unlikely to be resolved in the short term, but Turkey has other options, such as its own defense industry or other partners.

‘The US will not react to an operation west of the Euphrates’

Turkey’s operations in Syria in the past years were severely criticized in the West. For the last year, there has been talk of a new operation against PKK-YPG terrorist units in Syria. The sanctions imposed on Russia after the Ukraine war failed to achieve what was expected. Would a possible Turkish operation open the door to similar sanctions?

This sanctions issue is very popular in the US. How effectively it works is open to debate. In such a possible operation, the region picked is very important. Most of our troops are in the northeast of Syria. We have troops in places like Kobani or Qamishli.

The places President Erdoğan mentioned are in the west of the Euphrates. There are no US troops in areas like Tel Rifaat or Manbij. The YPG units there have no such mission as fighting against ISIS. They occupy the region with the support of Assad, the Russians and the Iranians. These are Sunni-majority areas. I do not think that a small-scale operation will cause a big reaction. Nevertheless, one has to be careful, two allies like Turkey and the US should not confront each other.

‘White House will be pragmatic about the election results in Turkey’

Biden made remarks that he would support the opposition in Turkey during the 2020 election. With these statements, we observed that the tension between Biden and President Erdogan increased. How do you think the Turkish-American relations will be affected by the fact that Erdogan won again in the elections and will remain in the government for another 5 years?

Early indications are that the White House will be pragmatic. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan gave an interview. When asked, “Does the anti-Americanism in the Turkish election campaigns bother you?” Sullivan said, “Turkey is a democracy. There is always anti-Americanism in Turkish elections. But that has not hindered our relationship to date. There is a lot of work to do with Turkey, from Ukraine to Syria. We will approach it in a constructive way.” This is very interesting because Turkey was not invited to the Democracy meetings in 2021 and 2022. This was to emphasize that Turkey is not a democratic country. But now the National Security Advisor says that Turkey is a democracy. He did not say conditional democracy, he did not say authoritarian democracy. He directly called it a democracy. This is a positive sign. The White House gave the message that “OK, we did not get what we wanted, but we continue to work together”.

‘The US is not very even-handed on the Turkey-Greece issue’

It would not be surprising to say that Turkey-Greece relations have become increasingly tense in recent years. Recently, the US military bases on the Turkish border have added to these tensions. Especially in the Turkish media, the claim that these build-ups are against Turkey rather than Russia has been widely voiced. What do you think?

As an American, I want NATO to be strong. That includes both Greece and Turkey. This kind of build-up is never against allies. Of course, I understand Turkey’s concerns. The US is not very even-handed on the Turkey-Greece issue. For example, Mitsotakis can make a speech in front of the congress, but Turkey cannot. So I understand the concerns, but I do not think this is an intimidation against Turkey. There is also a financial reason for the military bases in Greece. The maintenance costs are lower compared to bases in Germany. This will never be a move against Turkey.

The tension between Mitsotakis and Erdoğan was beneficial for both sides on the eve of the elections. Both leaders gained comfort for 4-5 years. From now on, tensions will continue but ease a little bit. The problems between Turkey and Greece are not huge. There are no issues that cannot be solved. All problems can be solved in secluded meetings.

Of course, Greek friends say that this tension does not bother them. They receive “gifts” from the West thanks to the tension. They are upgrading their equipment. As the big brother, the US should promote peace and act in a balanced way.

‘A rupture in areas like Mariupol may encourage the Russians to come to the table’

Ukraine started an offensive after being equipped by the West. Western countries have invested heavily in this offensive. However, the first week of the offensive tells us that no major progress has been made and, moreover, serious losses have been suffered. According to many experts, there will be no serious territorial change in the next year. US Chief of Staff Mark Milley has also said that “we do not expect any major change”. There are even such comments that the war may last not years but decades. How do you assess the course of the war?

General Milley also said “Kyiv will fall in three days”. High rank does not always mean good sense of prediction. War is a very complex and difficult process. It is difficult to predict how an operation will develop in advance. But we know that there are serious weaknesses in the Russian army. They have not been able to successfully conclude their offensive. Yes, Bakhmut was taken, but no further progress was made, moreover, serious losses were suffered.

The Ukrainian offensive has not yet matured. For now, they are launching minor offensives to find weak points. In this way, they expect the Russians to shift their reserves. Ukraine has heavy armored brigades set up for the offensive. These brigades are equipped by the West. We have not yet seen the main force of the offensive on the ground. It will not take long, within a week or ten days, they will find a weak point and try their luck. Then we will see if there is going to be any results. I agree that this war may take a long time, especially the cleansing of Crimea from the Russians. But war is full of surprises. A breakthrough in areas like Melitopol and Mariupol could turn the tide. Maybe then the Russians will be encouraged to come to the table. The Russians made such a mistake in the World Wars. They left a serious force in front but weakened the flanks. As the Germans quickly surrounded them, the Russians were unable to withdraw their troops, leading to the capture of about 200-300 thousand Russian soldiers. Of course, due to the scale of the war, this would not be the case now. If Ukraine can exploit a weakness, there could be a collapse.

But what if it doesn’t? If the offensive fails, how long can Western countries maintain their support? Or would they want to?

I think this is the biggest surprise of the war. Putin thought that the West would give up and leave Ukraine alone, but he was wrong. Because the West thinks that if Russia succeeds, this war will not be the last strike against Ukraine. Almost all NATO countries will continue to help Ukraine. A Russian victory would also be a disaster for Turkey. If Russia wipes Ukraine off the map, Turkey will be in a very difficult situation in the Black Sea. Yes, maybe Russia can continue this war for 10 years. But we can continue to support it for at least one or two more years.

‘China will not repeat US mistakes in the Middle East’

You know, in the last few months, China has strongly penetrated into the Middle East. The winds of diplomacy started to blow between Saudi Arabia and Iran, who have been at war for a long time over Yemen. We saw this period as a time in which US influence in the Middle East was waning, but China’s influence was growing. How do you see the new balances in the Middle East? How do you evaluate the thirty years the US has spent in the Middle East?

The US made huge mistakes for thirty years. In the 90s, there was an attempt to do good. After the Cold War, there was an expectation to do good all over the world. The intention was to bring prosperity and democracy. We focused on peace between Palestine and Israel. We wanted to remove dictators. But it did not happen. Even if we were very powerful, we could not manage such a complicated region. We did not try to build an empire like the classic British. Our people did not want to colonize these countries or even give them money. We got tired easily, and frankly, many mistakes were made. From Iraq to Libya, there were many mistakes. And the people of the United States said, “We cannot do it” and demanded withdrawal.

China, I think, will not repeat these mistakes. They have no desire to rule the region. They buy oil from both Saudi Arabia and Iran. They think that in order for the oil to reach them without problems, two countries should not fight. It’s more like a commercial deal. So, what they want is only order.

“Multipolarity” is much discussed at this time. If China tries to control the region, they cannot do it either. The US is also not so keen anymore. It is planning to get out of the Middle East and shift its influence to Asia.

Multipolarity is a good thing for this region since there are various powerhouses in the region such as Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey. Let them get along with each other. We cannot influence everything from outside. It is good that there is a dialog between these countries, which is happening now. Everyone should start talking to each other. For example, as Turkey you are now talking to Egypt as well. I think it is a good and normal thing that the countries in the region are filling the vacuum left by the US.


What awaits Georgia after the elections?



As an independent state more than 30 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Georgia faces a number of domestic and international challenges. On the one hand, the small Caucasian country is seeking rapprochement with the European Union and NATO, while on the other it is struggling with geopolitical pressures such as Russia’s occupation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

In this turbulent period, the Georgian people are once again going to the polls to decide their fate. The parliamentary elections on 26 October have the potential to affect not only the domestic political balance, but also Georgia’s relations with the West and its regional security strategy.

The country’s current political power, the Georgian Dream party, is at the centre of criticism for its tensions with the European Union (EU) and the United States, as well as its close ties with Russia. Georgia’s EU membership process and its struggle for territorial integrity could take a new direction depending on the outcome of these critical elections. It has been reported that Georgia’s EU accession process has been halted following the adoption of the controversial ‘Transparency of Foreign Influence’ law.

Director and founder of News Day Georgia news agency, have been doing journalism for 35 years since the fall of Soviet Union. 

Can you summarize the transformation of Georgia and Georgian politics before and after the Soviet Union? Now, Georgia is at the gate of the European Union. What can you say about today?

These 30 years have been really difficult regarding economic problems. Today we have a really interesting and important moment. We will have Parliamentary elections on October 26. This election is very important but the ruler of today Georgian Dream which was established by billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili has won three parliamentary election until now.

Do you trust the elections in Georgia regarding security?

This is difficult to answer but we have not facts proving that the elections are won illegally. We only have the rumors that there is not election safety. At the pre-election stage, so far, everything is taking place in a more or less normal environment. Before those three elections, things were also same. 

You said that 26 October elections are very important. Georgian Dream has still running the country. What is the scenario for post-election period? Do you think Georgian Dream is going to win the elections once more or what happens if they lose? What are the expected outcomes of the election?

Georgian Dream wants to win the election once more and rule the country until 2030 at least. They say that “We are normal government which gives Georgian people peace but not war.” “If we win, we guarantee our people peace.” This is their campaign discourse: “No war.” They are telling people “you will choose whether you want war or peace by your vote”. But we also have political opposition which will participate in the elections. In general, it’s Georgian people’s choice. People will decide who will win. In my opinion, the majority will vote for the opposition. This is very important that today Georgian Dream has very bad relations with the United States, the EU and NATO. They have good relations only with Russian Federation. The majority of the population is not happy with this situation. Russia has occupied South Ossetia and Abkhazia and this is no good for our country. 

Russia’s strategy is to create a buffer zone in the regions where there is possibility of NATO’s rapprochement. In case there will be a clash between NATO and Russia, those buffer zones will be used. Russia applies the same strategy in Donbass region, in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Do you presume that Georgian Dream is highly aware of this strategy and they believe that if they sustain good relations with Russia, they are preventing more occupation by Russia?

I think this idea will not save the country. Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergey Lavrov said that they will not cancel the recognition of independence in Georgian territory. They recognized the independence of South Ossetia and Abkhazia and now he says that they will not reconsider this situation. There is no question about it. There is not a possibility that if we have close relations with Russia, they will give us our land back. They have already recognized the independence of those regions. In South Ossetia and Abkhazia, there are Russian troops and military bases. 

Majority of Georgian people want South Ossetia and Abkhazia to be returned to Georgia. They want Russian troops to step back. And in this case, the US and the EU do not want to have relations with Georgian government while Georgian Dream is ruling. In the previous week, Georgian Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhizde was in the US for the United Nations General Assembly. He received an invitation from the US President Joe Biden for the Gala dinner of the event. Just before one hour of the Gala dinner, the US side cancelled the invitation of Kobakhidze because the US thinks that Kobakhidze is not a friend of the West. Georgian government also declares negative statement regarding the US and the EU.

Then, why did the US invite Georgian Prime Minister in the first if they think that Kobakhidze is not a friend of Washington? And done hour before the event, they decided to cancel. Was it a kind of revenge? Maybe the US wanted to damage the image of Georgia in front of international community.

This is very good question. I don’t know why they invite and then cancel. If they did not invite at all, it would be better. First inviting and then cancelling it is worse. The US might want to damage the image of not Georgia but the government. The US put 60 Georgian politicians from the government in the sanction list, cancelled their visa and also applied financial sanctions. This is because of LGBT and foreign agency law. Yes, I agree that the US did it in purpose. Because, for example, some official delegations come to Georgia from the US or NATO and Georgian government does not meet with them and they ignore them. Georgian government always criticize the US. If you behave in this way and they can do the same or even the worse.

Bidzina Ivanishvili’s Role in Georgian Politics: Despite announcing his retirement, Bidzina Ivanishvili is widely believed to still have a strong influence over Georgian Dream and politics in Georgia. How do you view his continued involvement in politics, and what impact does it have on Georgian democracy?

He is very rich person and he rules all politics in Georgia including government, parliament, justice system and more. He controls everything. That’s why he wanted to stay, so that he could continue to govern not openly. He doesn’t occupy, but he sits there. He is like for democracy in Georgia, this is very bad. And that’s why we can’t develop. If he controls everything, that’s why Americans and Europeans say that this is not democracy and while he is ruling everything we cannot contribute to the democracy of Georgia. For Georgian democracy, 20 years rule of the same party is not good. It is like dictatorship. 

There is another important point. Ivanishvili was also presenting the pre-election program. Now he is emphasizing that we will win, and this time they will remain after this, they will condemn here all the opposition parties, judge them and close the parties. They accuse opposition parties that they started the war with Russia in 2008 and cause the occupation of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. 

Do you think that opposition parties can challenge Georgian Dream in the elections? What do the public polls say? Is there any powerful opposition party which can win against Georgian Dream?

Georgian people will decide whom to win. I cannot say that Georgian Dream has no support. They also have their strong supporters. It is, in this case, hard to tell who is going to win. According to public polls, if there will be election tomorrow, Georgian Dream will get 35% of the votes. Opposition parties’ votes range from 15% to 20%. There are four opposition parties which are united to join elections under the name of “National Movement”. We will see whether the elections will be safe. There will be also international observers to ensure election security. 

We want four or five political parties’ coalition in the Georgian Parliament. Opposition wants coalition but Georgian Dream wants to 60% of the votes so that they can change constitutional law with the majority threshold. They really want to achieve this. But opposition parties want to take place in the parliament to represent different wishes of the people by establishing a coalition.

Georgia recently achieved EU candidate status, an important milestone. However, concerns about de-oligarchizing and democratic backsliding remain. What reforms do you believe are critical for Georgia to move forward with EU integration?

Georgian people want protection of their rights. But Georgian Dream has already passed the law on foreign agents and banning LGBT propaganda. The EU has suspended the cooperation with the government. If there will not be the protection human rights, we will never be a member to the EU. The problem is that Georgian Dream thinks that those are normal laws and they are good. But the majority of people want to join the EU. That’s why we cannot forecast the future about the EU. 

Russia continues to occupy 20% of Georgian territory, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Given the complex geopolitical situation, how does Georgia balance its European aspirations with its ongoing relationship with Russia?

This is a difficult question. There is a risk moment now. In my opinion, we need a balance between the Russia and Europe. Until elections, the situation will go the same. But after the elections, the results will show us which direction Georgia is going. Now, Georgian Dream has very close relations with Russia but if opposition wins, things will change. Maybe the relationship with Moscow will not be cancelled totally, but things can change. Now, Russian citizens can enter Georgia and stay without visa up to 3 months. Maybe, after the elections, if opposition wins, there can be visa applied to Russian citizens. 

It looks like with Georgian Dream, it is actually that European Union is a dream. Is that what you mean?

Yes, as long as Georgian Dream governs our country, there will not be relations with the EU and the US. This is what the EU’s special representative of Georgia told publicly short time ago. 

There have been reports of internal conflicts within Georgian Dream, including leadership reshuffles. Do you foresee any significant changes in the party’s structure or leadership ahead of the next elections?

In the backstage of Georgian Dream, there is only Bidzina Ivanishvili. The leader will be the person who he decides to be. There is not much discussion about it.

With Georgia’s strategic location and ongoing territorial disputes, how do you assess the country’s current security strategy, especially in light of regional instability?

Georgia tries to have a strategy but it is very difficult, because Georgia is a small country with three and a half million people. Against whom can we now have this strategy? What can be the only strategy? Here, if you do not want war from Russia you must receive security, as it is in the case of South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Or you should take guarantee from even the US or the EU. From the region from whom can we get protection? From Azerbaijan or from Armenia or from Türkiye? Of course, we must think about protecting ourselves looking at the situation of Ukraine. Russia can cause danger in our country. If Georgia will change its direction and be part of NATO and join the EU, then it can receive protection from the West against Russians. 

Media freedom in Georgia has been a topic of concern. How do you view the current state of journalism and media independence in Georgia, particularly in the face of political pressure as a journalist working in media field for 35 years?

I can say that we have press freedom. There are private television channels including Formula TV supporting opposition. But a very rich businessman bought one tv news channel for opposition and he is not involved in the journalism and administration. There is also pro-government tv channel and newspaper which support Georgian Dream. Still, I cannot say that everything is independent. Media is about money and freedom depends on from where the money is coming because income from ads do not enough all the time. There are two options to finance media; either ads or external financing. 

What do you personally think about the laws on foreign agents and banning LGBT propaganda?

In my opinion, they are very bad laws. The law for foreign agents is not about transparency as it is stated to public. They claim that the aim of the law is to reveal the source of the money but we already have the different laws requiring the transparency of the budgets of civil society organizations and regulating the flow of the money. Similarly, LGBT law is also negative. I am not interested in who is sleeping with whom. Everybody is human and they have right to choose their partners. 

But the law is not about involving in the personal or sexual lives of the people but banning to do propaganda about LGBT.

What does propaganda mean? I do not agree with this. They gather as fifty people. They go to city center and make demonstration in Rustaveli Avenue. Cannot they do it? It is their right. According to the law, they must sit at home and do not go out. What is the problem with propaganda? I am not LGBT. Am I going to change because of their propaganda? There is not any problem. It’s nonsense. Today, on internet you can see all type of pornography. I do not see any problem with those demonstrations. Those people are born with LGBT orientation. I have the constitutional right to demonstrate on anything I want. Why do not they have the same right? I do not say that I approve LGBT or I agree with them. I say that they also have their constitutional right to demonstrate or propaganda. 

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Former Cuban Minister of Culture Abel Prieto spoke to Harici: Venezuela is proof that fascism can be stopped



Within the framework of the First Anti-Fascist Congress, held on September 10 and 11, 2024, we spoke with the renowned Cuban intellectual, Abel Prieto Jimenez, who currently directs the Casa de las Américas, in Havana, Cuba.

Abel Prieto was President of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba and on two occasions Minister of Culture of his country. He has also directed the Martiano Program Office and is the President of the “José Martí” Cultural Society. Author of numerous stories and novels such as “The Flight of the Cat” (1991). Deputy to the Cuban National Assembly.

What are your impressions of this Anti-Fascist Congress? 

I am very happy to be here once again in Caracas, at this World Congress against Fascism. I consider that this initiative by President Nicolás Maduro himself, and supporter by social leaders, to call for an analysis between activists, social fighters, and intellectuals from different regions of Venezuela and the world to debate this truly dangerous phenomenon that is doing a lot of damage, that is dragging down poor people, humble people, who are going behind a fascist demagogue who is dragging very young people along.

I speak specifically of the case of Javier Milei in Argentina. It is a grotesque case, very disturbing to see how young people go after a madman like the current Argentine president, an extreme neoliberal. So, it is a moment where the confusion is so great, where there is so much confusion, there are so many disoriented people that fascism can grow. 

That is why it is very important to articulate ourselves in an anti-imperial and anti-fascist front. And in terms of communication and social networks it is vital to think about other communication. Today everything is decided in the media and social networks and that is why it is very important to find the appropriate codes based on ethics. One of the issues, one of the true advantages that the extreme right has, is that they have no ethics whatsoever.

We have to communicate ethically, we do not invent a slander to denigrate, even if it is a fascist. Commander Fidel Casto said that we should never lie nor should we violate our ethical principles. So that is the example, the teaching, that we have to follow. We have to think and make responsible, objective, intelligent communication that is not rhetorical, that is not triumphalist, we have to unite all that core of resistance, and win the battle of communication, which is opening gaps within that wall. of lies, opening a gap and sneaking in the truths of our people.

How would you characterize fascism or neo-fascism today?

Fascism today responds to classic features of fascism, such as violence, exclusion, and an extremist nationalism that always does not question the capitalist system. That is to say, never, even if it has a rhetoric that can speak against globalization, never questions either financial capital or the large multinationals, because they are the ones that really place the Mileis in Argentina, the Bolsonaros in Brazil, the Abascales in Spain, to the Melonis in Italy, and to all the references of those authoritarian rights.

To be anti-fascist today is to not accept in any way that the sovereignty of the countries is in the hands of Washington or other imperialist powers. This fascism of today, allied to neoliberalism, simply wants to reduce us to new slaves of capital forever, because it is associated with the defense of neoliberal doctrine in its most extreme version.

I believe that it is a responsibility to sow anti-fascism and anti-imperialism in the new generations; young people must be prepared, trained in those genuine roots of our people and unravel what fascism implies.

How do we defeat fascism? 

We defeat fascism through the formation and strengthening of an international front of resistance against fascism, against imperialism. There is the Network in Defense of Humanity, created by Commanders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez, they strategists and visionaries really supported it. The ideologist of the Network in Defense of Humanity was Pablo González Casanova, the great Mexican intellectual, and in 2003, in the midst of the great offensive of George W. Bush, which was also a fascist, imperialist offensive, in its farce “Global crusade against terrorism,” Bush announced the aggression in Iraq, he told the people at West Point, the cadets there that they had to be prepared to invade and occupy 60 or more dark corners of the world.

Tell me if there is anything more fascist than that?

And then this idea of creating a Network Defense of Humanity was generated in Mexico and Fidel immediately supported it. And then, you know, here but 20 years ago in Caracas, a very important event held in December 2004, the fundamental structuring of the Network was given, let’s say, the whole time Chávez was with the people, Chomsky came, Ernesto Cardenal, well, many important people from the Nuestra América resistance came.

What message does Venezuela send to the world today? 

The message that Venezuela sends to the world with the holding of this First Antifascist Congress is one of hope, resistance and creativity. Caracas has established itself as an axis of defense of humanity against the phenomenon of imperialism, capitalism, fascism and other neo-fascist expressions. 

Before there was talk of defending the sovereignty and independence of the countries and peoples of Our America. Now there is talk of defending ourselves from these psychological and cognitive wars that affect the minds of the youngest. 

In that sense, Venezuela shows that it is fighting and resisting the advance of fascism, but as I told you before, fascism must be combative with ethics in communication and with culture. One of the things that should worry us the most is seeing young people voting for fascists. Venezuela is proof that fascism can be stopped, but the groundwork has just begun. Let’s create the International Anti Fascist Front!

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UNIFIL Spokesperson Tenenti calls for political solution amid rising tensions in Southern Lebanon



In an exclusive interview, UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti confirmed escalating threats to UN peacekeepers in southern Lebanon, citing multiple attacks by Israeli forces. Tenenti emphasized that UNIFIL will remain in place despite calls from Israel to withdraw and stressed that only a political solution, not military action, can bring lasting peace to the region.

As tensions intensify along the Blue Line in southern Lebanon, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) finds itself in an increasingly perilous position. Speaking to Harici, UNIFIL spokesperson Andrea Tenenti discussed the ongoing conflict between Israeli forces and Hezbollah, which has placed UN peacekeepers at significant risk.

In recent weeks, Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have targeted multiple UNIFIL positions, endangering peacekeepers tasked with monitoring the fragile ceasefire in the area. “We have been attacked, targeted several times by the Israeli Defense Forces, even as recently as yesterday,” Tenenti revealed. He highlighted multiple incidents, including the destruction of observation towers and injuries to peacekeepers caused by IDF shelling.

Tenenti expressed deep concern over the violations of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which was established in 2006 to halt hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah and to prevent a resurgence of violence. “This is a violation of Resolution 1701 and international humanitarian law,” Tenenti stated, condemning the attacks on UNIFIL personnel.

Despite the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for UNIFIL to leave their positions “for their own safety,” Tenenti affirmed that the mission remains committed to its mandate. “We are here to monitor the situation impartially. If we leave, there would be no international presence to report on the conflict, which could lead to a very dangerous situation.”

Tensions have spiked along the Lebanese-Israeli border in recent months, with sporadic clashes between Hezbollah and Israeli forces. The IDF has reportedly made several incursions into Lebanese territory, violating the Blue Line, which UNIFIL monitors. “We have been able to monitor sporadic incursions, despite our limited capabilities due to the dangerous security situation,” Tenenti confirmed.

Beyond its monitoring duties, UNIFIL has also facilitated humanitarian efforts in southern Lebanon, working alongside organizations like UNICEF and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to ensure aid reaches those most in need. Tenenti stressed that while UNIFIL’s mandate is not humanitarian, it plays a vital role in coordinating the safe passage of humanitarian convoys through conflict zones. “There are still thousands of people stuck in southern Lebanon without food, water, or electricity, and we are working to mitigate these risks.”

When asked about the potential for a military solution to the conflict, Tenenti was unequivocal: “Military solutions are short-sighted. What we need is a long-lasting political and diplomatic resolution. This conflict has dragged on for 12 months, with thousands dead and entire regions destroyed. We need to prioritize a political solution now, before it escalates further.”

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