Sahra Wagenknecht, a prominent figure within the Left Party (Die Linke) and German politics, along with her associates, recently made a much-anticipated announcement by introducing the...
Erkin Öncan Kanwal Sibal, a distinguished figure in Indian politics and a former Foreign secretary, possesses extensive diplomatic experience, having served as an ambassador to Turkey,...
Could the potential loss of US President Joe Biden in the 2024 presidential election bolster Russia’s negotiating stance? According to four senior US and European officials...
The “Eurasian International Intercultural Dialogue” meeting was held in Istanbul on July 6-7. Among the guests from Russia, Senator Aleksandr Shenderyuk-Zhidkov, hailing from Kaliningrad, the westernmost...
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan met with Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the NATO Summit in Vilnius. In a...
An extraordinary meeting took place at Istanbul Kent University. A large delegation from Russia was in Turkey as part of an intercontinental cultural marathon. Putting aside...
The intensification of great power rivalry in Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe has resulted in post-crisis regional initiatives becoming more prominent in the region ravaged by...
Edvard Chesnokov, Andrey Balitsky Since the beginning of the 2022 Ukrainian crisis, the US Department of State’s officials have increasingly intensified their diplomatic activities in Central...
The first year of the Russian Federation’s intervention, justified by Article 51 of Chapter 7 of the UN Charter, has come to an end following the...
A Chinese high-altitude balloon wandered over the United States for days before it was finally shot down. The so-called “spy balloon” seemed to have hampered a...