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The US Army and Texan Bandidos in Ukraine



Confirming the presence of the US troops in Ukraine, the Pentagon has drawn up a three-stage action plan on blocking the illegal arms trafficking in Eastern Europe. The US inspection network does not only include Ukraine, but also other countries neighboring Ukraine or its neighbors across the sea. While the names of the countries included in this network to be established not mentioned, the reality that an illegal arms market similar to that in the Middle East and the Balkans, are being implicitly admitted.

According to an official statement by the US Department of Defense (Pentagon) regarding the activities of the deployed US troops in Ukraine, military advisors from the US military will conduct arms inspections in Ukraine. And the main subject of the inspection is summarized as; the final destination of the US/Western arms supplies. It will be inspected whether these high-tech conventional weapons are properly used at the front. And the most important part would be to ensure that these arms would not fall into the hands of the Russians, and to “prevent” the rise of an illegal arms market.

The Pentagon held a press conference with journalists on the issue on October 31st but refrained to share any information on the number of specialists deployed in Ukraine or the locations they will serve. These inspectors “are not to be deployed in close combat zones” the officials said.

Thus, this statement officially confirmed the presence and the activities of the US military in Ukraine, apart from the military personnel protecting the US diplomats in Kiev. The Pentagon had evacuated all US troops from the country on February 14th, exactly 10 days before the conflict began.

Pentagon: There is suspicion, but no evidence

The Pentagon officials also said they did not see “any solid evidence” of illicit diversion of the US arms supplies sent to Ukraine, while adding, “Nevertheless, we are aware of the possibility of an illicit arms diversion. We are actively taking all available actions to prevent such a thing from happening.”

And the Republican criticisms on the destination of arms sent to Ukraine, also had a major impact, while the case was upon an investigation process. The Minority (Republican) leader in the House of Representatives Kevin McCarty, said in a speech he made in October that Republicans would not hand a “blank check” to Ukraine.

The Tweet McCarty has pinned on his Twitter account on October 8th, is about the Biden family’s relationship with the Ukrainian government:

“Fact: Joe Biden’s family members profited in foreign regions where he had influence as vice president. Hunter Biden sat on the board of a Ukrainian company in an industry in which he had no experience. His only qualification was that his father ran point on US-Ukraine policy.”

Admitting the existence of an arms black market

It is very possible to say that the arms sent to Ukraine could be sold on the black market, and that more “black markets” could emerge where terror groups can acquire advanced weapons, based on some similar experiences in the Middle East. Some of these risks are clearly explained in the “US Plan to Counter Illicit Diversion of Certain Advanced Conventional Weapons in Eastern Europe” issued by the US Department of Defense on October 27th:

“Wars can provide opportunities for weapons to fall into private hands via theft or illicit sales, sometimes creating black markets for arms that endure for decades.  A variety of criminal and non-state actors may attempt to acquire weapons from sources in Ukraine during or following the conflict, as occurred after the Balkans Wars in the 1990s.”

According to the Pentagon plan, some special precautions must be taken especially on small arms, MANPADs and anti-tank missiles. It is quite possible that such weapons could be used in terrorist attacks targeting civilian aircrafts.

 The Pentagon’s preventive “capacity building” plan for Eastern Europe

Reading the Biden administration’s deployment of military advisors and inspectors to Ukraine only as a response to the criticisms from the Republicans and from Russia, is not sufficient enough to fully explain the overall approach of the US government. The Pentagon considers that if the arms thatare described in the plan document fall into the hands of the Russian military, Moscow may use it to “develop countermeasures, spread propaganda or conduct false flag operations.”

The plan to prevent arms diversion is not only limited to Ukraine, according to the Pentagon’s program.  The “action plan” covers three phases: short, medium and long-term, and the construction of a wide network of inspection all across Eastern Europe:

  • “Bolstering the ability of security forces in Ukraine and its neighboring states to account for and safeguard their arms and ammunition during transfer, in storage, and when deployed;
  • Strengthening border management and security in Ukraine and its neighboring states; and
  • Building the capacity of security forces, law enforcement officials, and border control agencies in Ukraine and its neighboring states to deter, detect, and interdict illicit trafficking of certain advanced conventional weapons.”

According to the plan put up in the document, the coordination mechanisms are defined as “Building the capacity of law enforcement officials and analysts in Ukraine and neighboring states to process and share information regarding interdicted or captured weapons”.

“Azov battalions could get out of control”

The Europol agency also warned last summer about the illegal diversion of arms in Ukraine across Europe. On October 27th the EU Commission tasked on the issue, also drafted a new law on the increasing allegations of arms trafficking over the Ukrainian war. The commission noted that the Ukrainian war constitutes a new source for illicit arms trafficking in Europe.

The figures also show the extent of this threat. Since last February, the Pentagon has sent around 10 thousand weapons including missile launchers, and around 64 million ammunitions for small arms to Ukraine.

According to a 2020 Pentagon report, the US has increased its military aid to Kiev to 400 million USD in 2019, from 30 million USD back in 2013. And the total amount of the military supply the Pentagon has sent to Kiev in the last eight months alone has reached 18 billion USD.

Experts consider a military aid of this magnitude to fall into the black market and into the hands of dangerous organizations, as within possibilities.

The US think-tank Responsible Statcraft, points out to the possibility of the course of the war in Ukraine to turn towards strengthening the radical groups, which can form independent paramilitaries with the help of these weapons. According to Jordan Cohen from the Cato Institute, it may get much more difficult for Volodymyr Zelensky to control organizations such as the Azov battalions in the future. Cohen describes the danger by saying, “If he loses control of those groups, then I think you are going to start seeing those groups kind of creating their own military units, and that is dangerous”.

The arms market of Bandidos in Ukraine

Founded in 1966 in Saint Leon TX, the Bandidos Motorcycle Club has a wide network of organizations around the world. This criminal organization is among the leading actors in the transportation of commodities of the arms black market into European heartland. At the end of October, Finnish National Bureau of Investigation announced that weapons of Western origin sent to Ukraine, may have reached the black markets in Finland, through criminal organizations such as the Bandidos. Speaking to Finnish publication Yle, Chief Inspector Christer Ahlgren stated: “Weapons delivered to Ukraine from various countries have also been found in Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands”. According to Inspector Ahlgren, there are strong indications that these weapons are on their way to Finland.

Inspector Ahlgren says this black market is run by bike gangs:

“The three largest bike gangs in the world, which are all part of a wider international network, are all active in Finland. One of them is the Bandidos Motorcycle Club, which has cells in all major cities of Ukraine”.

Here, a huge gap is opening between Russia and the European Union, as Texan Bandidos and similar criminal organizations and US military inspectors play cat and mouse over Ukrainian soil.


Coup attempt foiled in Bolivia



Armoured vehicles broke through the gates of the government palace in Bolivia on Wednesday in an attempted coup against President Luis Arce.

The coup attempt failed when Arce’s supporters and trade unions took to the streets against the coup and Arce refused to surrender.

Supporters of the president took to the streets with Bolivian flags and the troops withdrew from the presidential palace. At the same time, Arce appointed a new army commander who ordered the troops to withdraw.

The Bolivian leader said: ‘Here we are, standing firm in Casa Grande to resist any coup attempt. We need the organisation of the Bolivian people,” said the Bolivian leader.

In a video broadcast on Bolivian television, Arce confronted Juan José Zúñiga, the army commander believed to be leading the rebellion, in the corridor of the palace. “I am your leader and I order you to withdraw your troops and I will not tolerate this disobedience,” Arce is heard saying.

Putschist Zúñiga’s hesitation leads to defeat

“Of course there will soon be a new council of ministers, our country, our state cannot continue like this,” Zúñiga told reporters in the square before entering the government building, but said that “for the time being” he recognised Arce as commander-in-chief.

Zúñiga did not explicitly say he was leading a coup, but said at the palace that the military was trying to “restore democracy and free political prisoners”.

Arce, for his part, called for “respect for democracy” in a message posted on his X account. “We cannot allow coup attempts to take the lives of Bolivians again,” Arce said from inside the palace, surrounded by government officials, in a video message sent to news agencies.

An hour later, to cheers from supporters, Arce announced the new heads of the army, navy and air force. The video showed soldiers setting up barricades outside the government palace.

“I order all those who are mobilised to return to their units. No one wants the images we see on the streets,” said newly appointed army commander José Wilson Sánchez.

Putschist general accuses Arce of ‘orchestrating coup’

Zúñiga was taken into custody after the Bolivian Attorney General’s Office issued an arrest warrant for General Zúñiga.

At the time of his arrest, the officer accused Luis Arce of orchestrating a coup attempt to “increase his popularity”.

At the time of his arrest, Zúñiga said: “I met with the president on Sunday at the La Salle school, and the president told me: ‘The situation is terrible, this week is going to be critical. So I must prepare something to increase my popularity,'” Zúñiga is reported to have said.

The general went on to describe his alleged conversation with Arce, claiming that when he asked Arce “if they should remove the armoured vehicles”, Arce replied in the affirmative. According to Zúñiga, military vehicles were mobilised that night and preparations began.

Before his arrest, Zúñiga claimed that this was a “self-coup”.

Local media reported that the general would be charged with terrorism and armed rebellion against the security and sovereignty of the state.

The authorities later announced the arrest of a second person implicated in Wednesday’s events, Juan Arnez Salvador, former commander of the Bolivian navy.

The US is ‘closely monitoring the situation’

Following the coup attempt, Latin American and Caribbean countries such as Brazil, Cuba, Colombia, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile and Honduras also expressed their support for Arce.

The United States, on the other hand, said only that it was “closely monitoring the situation”.

Earlier this week, Bolivian government sources warned that a US-backed coup was being prepared.

Morales-Arce rivalry in the ruling MAS party?

In addition to economic problems, Bolivia has been rocked for some time by rifts at the highest levels of the ruling party.

Arce and his former ally, former president Evo Morales, are fighting over the future of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) ahead of elections in 2025.

Zuniga was ousted on Monday after appearing on television and saying he would arrest Morales if he ran again next year.

Laws limiting presidential terms do not allow Morales to run again.

In several public statements, Arce had claimed that he was the target of a “soft coup” aimed at “shortening his term” and that Morales’ supporters were behind it.

The former president, for his part, has said that Arce is trying to undermine his desire to run for president again by taking over the leadership of the MAS.

Bolivia is also facing a severe economic crisis due to fuel and foreign currency shortages. Arce blamed Morales for unions taking to the streets in response.

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A ‘new McCarthyism’ in the US: Pro-Palestinian university professors lose their jobs



As police crackdowns in the US target pro-Palestinian student protests on campus, university administrators are cutting ties with pro-Palestinian faculty members.

Since the beginning of the Israeli invasion of Gaza, academics in politics, sociology, Japanese literature, public health, Latin American and Caribbean studies, Middle Eastern and African studies, mathematics, education and many other fields have been fired or suspended for their pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli rhetoric.

According to The Intercept, there is no official data on the number of academics who have lost their jobs or been suspended for supporting Palestine, largely because higher education in the country is fragmented, often privatised and based on short-term contracts.

In general, professors who have lost their jobs and been suspended over Palestine have brought these allegations to public attention by making them themselves. A large number of academics across the country are likely to be investigated, and many will see their contracts quietly expire without renewal.

The Intercept spoke to more than ten professors, both adjunct and tenured, whose jobs have been threatened because of their pro-Palestinian views. All of the professors the publication spoke to have been investigated at some point since 7 October, and some of the investigations have been closed with no evidence of wrongdoing.

Several have received varying degrees of suspension, and four of the professors have lost their jobs or face losing them next week when the semester ends without renewal of their contracts.

“A large number of our investigations, even lawsuits, involve due process violations related to non-reappointment, dismissal, tenure, and the like,” said Anita Levy, senior programme officer for the American Association of University Professors.

Levy said the non-profit organisation, which advocates for faculty rights and academic freedom, has filed five cases in recent months related to pro-Palestinian speech.

“It is unusual to file five or six cases in a two-month period when social media posts about a current event, such as the war in Gaza, are suspended,” Levy said. None of the cases we filed were related to pro-Israel rhetoric. They were all in support of the Palestinian cause,” he said.

Levy said the US was at the beginning of a “new McCarthyism”, noting that what had happened “could be the tip of the iceberg”.

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Trump and Biden neck-and-neck in key battleground states



US President Joe Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump are running neck-and-neck in the November presidential election, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll.

Forty per cent of registered voters in the eight-day survey, which ended on Tuesday, said they would vote for Democrat Biden if the election were held today, while the same proportion chose former US president Trump. This is little changed from Biden’s 1-point lead in the Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted on 29-30 April.

According to the poll, which has a margin of error of about 2 percentage points among registered voters, many voters remain undecided nearly six months before the November 5 election.

Twenty per cent of registered voters surveyed said they had not chosen a candidate, were leaning towards third party options or might not vote at all.

Thirteen per cent said they would vote for Robert Kennedy Jr, who entered the race as an independent, if he appeared on the ballot with Trump and Biden. In the previous poll, conducted in April, Kennedy had 8% support.

While the ongoing lawsuits against him challenge Trump, Biden faces difficulties because of his age and his stance on the Gaza war.

When respondents were not given the option of voting for a third candidate or saying they were not sure who they would vote for, both candidates were tied at 46 per cent among registered voters; 8 per cent of respondents declined to answer the question.

Among registered voters who say they are “absolutely certain” they will vote in November, Biden leads by a slim 3-point margin.

In the 2020 presidential election, when Biden defeated Trump, only two-thirds of voters went to the polls.

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