General, man is very useful He can fly and he can kill But he has one defect: He can think. (Brecht) A people on the brink...
I concluded the first part of this series with the following words: “In the current situation, an armistice along the line of contact seems inevitable.” The...
The Kiev regime, i.e. the Western bloc, is facing a number of constraints which, apart from the massive human and material losses, are severely limiting its...
The Wagner revolt ended with Lukashenko’s intervention. Two main views attract my attention. One group is more or less in favour of the following attitude: “Oh...
A record level of capital outflow that equals 1.47 trillion rubles has taken place to the bank accounts outside Russia, in a time period between June...
By analyzing the past, present, and future of Russia’s two major export commodities, I will discuss the impacts of the current developments on the budget and...
Deripaska, the founder of Rusal, published a commentary in the RBK on December 30, pouring out the big bourgeoisie’s plans to get Russia out of difficulties....
In Russia, the criticism of the economic dogmatism of the ‘financial bloc’ comes from two currents that mostly overlap. The first is Sergey Glazyev, a patriotic...